Start a conversation over a shared interest or signal your romantic intentions with a direct compliment. For a perfect stranger, try: “You have a great laugh” or “You have a wonderful smile. ” If it’s a work or class peer, try: “I really liked how you handled that situation. ” If it’s a friend you’ve been too shy to make a move on: “You’re exactly the kind of woman I’d like to date. ” Don’t shower her with compliments about her physical appearance or clothing unless you suspect it’s something particularly meaningful to her. Later, she’ll want to know you find her attractive, but initially, she’ll want to know you’ve noticed her brain or accomplishments. Capricorns have a sharp sense of humor, but it’s usually reserved for their inner circle, so avoid humor until you know each other better.

Get first date ideas from any tradition or heritage she brings up. It’ll show you know what’s important to her. Dates at a museum or historical landmark can seem sterile, but many museums and landmarks offer more intimate themed events in the evening or on weekends. Try catching a movie at a vintage drive-through. Not only will it appeal to her love of tradition, it’ll be more personal than a theater date, since you can talk (and maybe more) during the film. If she’s more interested in esoteric topics, consider ordering in a grand take-out spread to eat while watching a streamed documentary or reality show. Make it interactive — the movie or museum is just an excuse for conversation, a jump off point to engage her on an intellectual level. It might feel like you’re just trading facts and trivia, but to a brainy Cap, an intellectual connection is flirting.

Suggest a variety of days and times for your first date. If you can’t make it, explain what happened, and immediately reschedule so she knows you’re serious. [6] X Expert Source Angel EyedealismAstrologer & Performance Artist Expert Interview. 8 December 2021. Be on time. Be prepared. Show that you did the research to make your plans work.

Combine her love of history and status symbols by wearing your most traditional, dapper looks. You don’t have to purchase clothing to accomplish a more stylish look. Pick your favorite article of clothing and look up other ways to style it. For instance, if you have a pair of dark jeans that make you feel like you can rule the world whenever you wear them, look up “how to style dark jeans men” or “how to style dark jeans women” to get inspired.

Talk to her about her work. Ask her what her goals are for one year, five years, and ten years, and watch her decide to include you in them! Sometimes ego goes the other way: it can be intimidating to see a put-together woman who knows what she wants. Don’t let your own insecurity ruin your chances. Instead, let her good habits motivate you to change yours.

Try practical gestures like offering to bring dinner to her while she’s working late, or offering her rides to work while her ride’s getting an oil change. [10] X Expert Source Angel EyedealismAstrologer & Performance Artist Expert Interview. 8 December 2021. Bonus: you get to spend more time with her!

Great gifts include framed photos of meaningful accomplishments, clothing items she can wear to work events, or hand-written “merit certificates” offering sexy favors as a reward for reaching important work milestones.

Great gifts include framed photos of meaningful accomplishments, clothing items she can wear to work events, or hand-written “merit certificates” offering sexy favors as a reward for reaching important work milestones.

Make an effort to spend time with her family around holidays. This will show her that you know her family connections are important to both of you. Take the time to really get to know her parents or the family members she is closest to. [12] X Research source

Pay special attention to how she shows her friends and family that she cares. This will give you valuable clues for how you can share your feelings with her too.

Soothe your Capricorn’s bruised confidence by taking her to see an inspirational movie or by giving her a massage while encouraging her to talk about times she’s overcome failure in the past. She’ll remember how capable she is and you’ll be one step closer to enjoying a Capricorn’s surprisingly passionate side. [15] X Research source

Treat your Capricorn crush like a goddess and act like you’re her worthy consort, and reap the benefits.