This is a good sign, but don’t give in yet! It’s important to hold off on responding to anything your ex says or does until the no contact period is up.

They might also try to DM you on social media if they haven’t been able to get ahold of you via text.

Again, the key here is to not respond to it in any way (don’t even give it a like).

If this happens, be polite and say hello, but don’t give them much of an interaction. You can ask them how they’ve been or share what you’ve been up to, but don’t dive deep into the relationship, and keep the conversation short.

If you and your ex were together for a long time, they might even reach out to your family members to ask about you.

If the messages get too much to handle, don’t be afraid to block them, at least for a little while.

These gifts might come with a note, like “I’m sorry,” or, “Can we just talk?”

If you don’t feel better right now, that’s okay, too. Everyone’s healing process is different, and it might just take you a little longer to feel good.

This is the other side of the no contact rule that’s so awesome: without distractions, you only have yourself to worry about!

Feeling good about yourself and who you are can only lead to good things.

Your friends might even comment on how good you’ve been looking lately.

You may want to take a second and think about reaching out to your ex again. If you’re in a good spot and you could see yourself moving on, it might be worth keeping the no contact rule in place for a little while longer.