MAY 1987 Lillian Disney gives $50 million toward the Walt Disney Concert Hall.

DECEMBER 1988 L.A. favorite son Frank Gehry wins the competition to design the hall.

SEPTEMBER 1991 Gehry’s design is approved. Cost estimate for entire project, including an underground parking garage, comes to $210 million.

DECEMBER 1992 Bogus groundbreaking staged partly to placate Mrs. Disney. Projected completion: 1997.

JULY 1994 New estimate comes in: $260 million, $50 million more than original budget. Why? Partly tinkering with design due to fast-tracking; garage construction begun before working drawings were done.

NOVEMBER 1994 All construction comes to a halt.

MARCH 1995 Hines Interests, a construction-management firm, will report on a realistic budget and schedule to help determine fund-raising goals. At least $80 million is needed.