Because what’s more serious than 100ft tall robots playing golf while battling through destructible environments? 100ft Robot Golf allows for four players to join up either splitscreen or online and battle for par in a real-time action golf game. The primary goal of each player will be to get their ball into the final cup, but while doing so they’ll have to fight other players, rampage through environments, and prevent their opponents from scoring before them.

If multiplayer isn’t a priority, 100ft Robot Golf will also have a robust story mode. If that doesn’t sound believable, here’s No Goblin’s description from the official 100ft Robot Golf website:


As if everything about 100ft Robot Golf wasn’t already ridiculous enough, the cherry on the top is that it will be a PlayStation VR enabled game. Details regarding just how VR in the game will work have yet to be discussed, such as whether it will be a first-person or third-person experience. It may even be an asymmetric experience from the perspective of the ball. Considering the game and the developer, it might be best not to make any assumptions.

What’s important to consider whenever one hears about games for VR is that the recipe book is in the garbage. Traditional games largely have a hard time on VR, both for technical reasons – blockbuster titles use up hardware in ways that don’t work with VR requirements– and for comfort and perspective reasons – VR requires slower movement, freedom of head movement and more. That means that most initial VR experiences will potentially be awkward and highly experimental. What will be important is for developers to understand the restrictions of VR and to have fun with it. As far as VR games shown so far go, 100ft Robot Golf certainly fits that description.

Hopefully No Goblin will have a look at 100ft Robot Golf’s VR available online before too long. Until then take comfort knowing 100ft Robot Golf will be released in 2016 and will come first to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR.