Tina Arnold joins her friend on a weight loss journey as they motivate each other to achieve their goal.

Who is Tina Arnold?

Tina Arnold completed her Medical Coding and Billing course in 2017 from DeVry University – Westminster. That same year, her article, Body Shaming in Today’s World, in local newspaper Henry Neighbor Newspaper, was published.

With writing as her “heart’s passion,” the TV star started writing self-published books. In 2019, her self-published books Sweet Lantern (September 13), Broken Lantern (October 9), Another Life (October 11) found their fair share of fans.

Arnold also completed her Associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education and Teaching from Ashford University in 2020.

Her other article, “Confronting the stereotypes surrounding people who are overweight,” for Barrow News-Journal was published on August 4, 2021.

“Like a true Sagittarian” who loves to try many things, Arnold finally decided to join her “extremely close” childhood friend Crumpler in the show and work towards a healthy weight.

Sharing her experience on her Linkedln post about her 1000 LB Best Friends journey, the “wife and mom of four, who has lived in a self-imposed bubble for most of her adult life” is thankful to be on the show as it has helped her understand that it was “ok” to be herself.

With the show, Arnold now hopes to shed those extra kilos, she told People:

Arnold also hopes that the show helps in changing the perspective of people and makes them understand that “that fat does not mean less than.” Arnold spoke about the weight loss struggle to People:

Married to Johnnie Arnold for 19 years, the 41-year-old started her weight loss journey in 2021. She even lost around 80lbs but gained back the weight again. But this time Arnold is determined to lose weight on TLC’s 1000 Lb Best Friends for a healthy life ahead.

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