The unnamed man, who lives in Brandenburg, Germany, was charged with 3,518 counts of accessory to murder by prosecutors in the nearby city of Neuruppin and deemed fit to stand trial despite his old age, according to a Monday report from German state-owned media outlet Deutsche Welle.

“This case is an important example to very elderly survivors of German concentration and extermination camps,” Christoph Heubner, vice president of the International Auschwitz Committee, told the outlet. “Justice has no expiration date and the pursuit of SS perpetrators must not end, even in old age.”

The man allegedly served as a guard at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp between 1942 and 1945. Nazis killed over half of the 200,000 political prisoners, Jews, Roma and gay people who were imprisoned at the camp, which was located near Berlin.

Those imprisoned in the camp were subjected to forced labor and barbaric medical experiments that killed many unwilling participants. Sachsenhausen was also known for pioneering gas chambers that were used for mass exterminations in many other Nazi camps during the last years of World War II.

The man is the second person facing charges related to one of the notorious concentration camps during 2021, with a 95-year-old woman who is said to have served as a secretary at the Stutthof concentration camp being charged last month. She was charged with complicity in at least 10,000 cases of murder and attempted murder.

Nazis are believed to have killed between 60,000 and 65,000 of those held captive at Stutthof, which was located in Poland. Despite the advanced age of the woman, identified only as “Irmgard F.,” the case was expected to be heard by a juvenile court because she was under the age of 21 at the time of her alleged crimes.

While the vast majority of Nazis involved in the concentration camps are no longer alive more than 75 years after the war ended, German prosecutors have continued to persistently pursue charges against those are still living and they believe to be responsible or complicit in the war crimes.

Last year, a 93-year-old former Stutthof guard identified as “Bruno D.” was convicted of 5,232 counts of accessory to murder and given a suspended two year sentence following a 44 day trial. The trial was held in juvenile court due to Bruno D. being 17 years old when he began to serve as a guard in August 1944.

Newsweek reached out to the German embassy in Washington, D.C. for comment.