“Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?” “Would you rather go a year without desserts or have to eat a spoonful of wasabi every single day?” “Would you rather have to publicly speak every day or get a visible tattoo you really hated?” “Would you rather have endless time or endless money?”

“Did you like the 2005 Pride & Prejudice or the BBC miniseries better?” “Are you the sort of person who reads the book or waits for the movie to come out?” “What TV show do you binge when you’re sick?” “What movie sidekick would you most want for your best friend?”

“What do you think pigeons think about all day?” “If you were a day of the week, what day would you be?” “How many cats do you think you would need to stack on top of each other to reach the moon?” “What’s the strangest thing in your refrigerator right now?”

“You really never noticed the ‘L’ in Staples was a staple?” “If I make you laugh, are you going to squirt pop through your nose again like you did at the movies?” “I can’t believe you’re a closet Barry Manilow lover! What am I going to do with you?” “What year is your Honda again? 200 B. C. ?”

“Coke or Pepsi?” “Bad haircut or bad dye job?” “Cheese or chocolate?” “Cats or dogs?”

“What holiday food is your all-time favorite?” “You’ve had a terrible day: what food are you eating to feel better?” “Have you ever accidentally drunk spoiled milk?” “If you could eat any food from an animated movie, what would it be?”

“Who would play me in a movie?” “If I had a catchphrase, what would it be?” “If time and money weren’t an issue, what would your ideal date with me look like?” “If we swapped bodies like in Freaky Friday, what would your day look like?”

“What was Walt Disney afraid of? Mice!” “Which popular sitcom was originally called Insomnia Café before airing? Friends. " “What are the little plastic things on the end of shoelaces called? Aglets. " “What do you call a group of unicorns? A blessing. "

“What if aliens are real and watching us right now?” “If you could have dinner with 3 people, alive or dead, who would they be?” “Would you be better equipped to survive the zombie apocalypse or the robot apocalypse?” “If you took a time machine to the end of time, what would you find?”

“What’s the worst first date you’ve ever been on?” “What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?” “What was your nickname as a kid?” “Have you ever noticeably farted in public?” “Were you good or bad as a kid? Were you always causing trouble?”

“If you had one superpower, what would it be?” “If you could visit one magical location, like Never Neverland or Middle Earth, where would you go?” “What character from Greek mythology would you be and why?” “Would you rather be a superhero with money and gadgets, like Batman, or one with special powers, like Spider-Man?”

“What is your favorite childhood memory?” “What was the best birthday present you ever received as a kid?” “What was your favorite Halloween costume as a child?” “What is a silly belief you held as a child?”

“What Hogwarts house would you be in and why?” “What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?” “What was your favorite fairytale as a child?” “What is the oddest coincidence you’ve ever experienced?”

“Do you sing in the shower?” “Do you let your dog sleep in bed with you?” “Do you have to sing the entire alphabet in your head when you alphabetize?” “Do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?”

“Have you ever seen a UFO?” “Do you think you could outsmart Hannibal Lecter?” “What is your favorite unsolved mystery?” “What is the most unexplainable thing that’s ever happened to you?”

“Have you ever cheated on a test?” “Have you ever skinny-dipped?” “Have you ever won a drinking game?” “Have you ever shoplifted?”

“How many places have you lived in your life?” “Which of the 8 wonders of the world would you most like to see?” “How many different languages can you speak?” “What is one place you would never ever like to visit?”

“If you had a second life to live completely differently, what would you do?” “If you had a full ride to any university, what would you study?” “When they write your biography, what will be written in the cover synopsis?” “What non-career-related subject would you consider yourself an expert in?”

“How could anyone possibly not fall for a brainiac like you?” “Is heaven missing an angel?” “Where have you been all my life?” “Are you aware of how cute those freckles are?”

“How do you like your eggs in the morning?” “What’s the strangest place you’ve ever been intimate with someone?” “What would you do if I kissed you right now?” “Do you want to guess what I’m thinking right now?”