“Would you rather your shoes are always untied or your pants zipper is permanently down?” “Would you rather never listen to music ever again or only listen to your least favorite songs?” “Would you rather forget to buy 1 important item or buy 10 unnecessary items every time you go to the grocery store?” “Would you rather be able to talk to animals or control plants?”

“Beach or mountains?” “Dinosaurs or mythical creatures?” “Salty or sweet?” “Always cold or always hot?”

“You just won the lottery but you can only buy 5 things before you have to donate the rest. What do you buy?” “You stumble across a time machine. Do you go back into the past or to the future?” “You’re offered a pill that will make you 50% more attractive or 50% more intelligent. Which one do you choose?” “If you were deserted on an island, but could bring 5 items with you, what would you choose?”

“If you could be any type of musical instrument, what would you be?” “How many geckos would it take to beat a bear?” “How would you reorder the alphabet?” “If you were a type of drinking glass, what would you be?”

“Have you ever been caught in a lie?” “What’s the weirdest thing you did as a kid?” “What’s the weirdest thing I’d find in your search history?” “Have you ever sent a text or made a post on social media that you regretted?”

“What’s something funny you believed in as a kid that you were completely wrong about?” “Did you have a toy you couldn’t live without as a kid? What was it?” “What did you want to be when you grew up?” “Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a kid?” “Were you good or bad as a kid? Were you always in trouble?”

“What’s the most embarrassing moment you had with a crush?” “What’s the cringiest line you’ve used on someone?” “Have you ever been stood up by a date?” “Who was the funniest celebrity crush you had as a kid?”

“What’s your best cartoon impression?” “What’s your best celebrity impression?” “Can you act out your favorite movie scene?” “Can you do a dramatic reading of our most recent texts?”

“You’re stuck in your favorite movie. How will things go for you? What will happen?” “If you had to watch the same TV show every month, what would you choose?” “What would you title the movie about your life?” “Which cartoon character do you think is most like you?”

“What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever eaten?” “What food would you still not eat even if you were starving?” “You have to give up one of your favorite foods for the rest of your life. What do you choose?” “What’s a food that you hate but other people love?”

“If we swapped bodies for a day, what would you do?” “What song describes our relationship?” “What’s your funniest memory of us together?” “What embarrassing nickname would you give me?”

“Who’s your celebrity crush?” “What’s your favorite part of my body?” “What’s your favorite romantic movie?” “What does the perfect date look like to you?”

“If you could live at the bottom of the ocean or on Mars, what would you choose?” “What are the top 3 places you want to visit?” “If you could have been born in a different country, where would you choose?” “What popular destination do you have no desire to visit?”

“What’s your favorite tree?” “What’s your favorite type of cheese?” “What’s your favorite sea animal?” “What’s your favorite time of day?”

“Have you ever been kicked out of a bar?” “Have you ever dined and dashed?” “Have you ever crashed a wedding?” “Have you ever been skinny dipping?”

“What’s a random fact that no one knows about you?” “Who is the most interesting person you’ve met?” “What’s your favorite memory?” “What moment or memory will always make you laugh?”

“If you could have any superpower, what would it be?” “What psychic ability would you choose to have?” “If you had a useless superpower, what would it be?” “Would you rather team up with Batman or Superman?”

“Do you wash your hair first or your body first?” “What’s your worst habit?” “Are you an early riser or do you sleep in?” “What 5 things could you not live without?”

“What’s the most outrageous conspiracy that you believe in?” “What’s an urban legend that you believe in?” “Do you believe in karma?” “Do you believe in astrology?” “What is your rising sign?”

“What’s your greatest dream?” “If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you choose?” “What’s something you still want to try?” “What’s your greatest skill?”