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That being said, one has to admit there are certain games on the Xbox consoles that were quite brilliant but haven’t really received a sequel as of yet — something that should change sooner rather than later for the following brilliant games on this list that can definitely benefit from a continuation of sorts.

10 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

A game with a ton of potential that never really managed to get the recognition that it deserved, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an excellent open-world action RPG steeped in a rich fantasy setting with excellent gameplay to boot.

However, the game’s poor performance meant that the sequel would never be greenlit, leading to Kingdoms of Amalur being nothing more than a solitary — albeit lengthy — look at a world with a ton of potential.

9 Cuphead

One of the most challenging side-scrollers to have come out in recent memory, Cuphead’s brilliant art style and fast-paced gameplay have helped it stand out quite a bit as one of the most unique indie titles around.

However, given the painstaking nature of the game’s animation, it must be said that the sequel to Cuphead will take quite some time indeed… provided it is even greenlit, to begin with.

8 Sea Of Thieves

Rare was one of the greatest video game developers of all time, but one has to admit that the company has been on a downward spiral ever since its acquisition by Microsoft — at least, until Sea of Thieves came out.

While the initial reception to this title was somewhat lukewarm, Sea of Thieves has managed to keep its gameplay fresh and content endless with a whole host of updates that have elevated the status of this title to a new level.

Given the massive commercial success of this title, it goes without saying that Sea of Thieves 2 will definitely be a reality at some point in time… unless Microsoft hates money.

7 Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

The reboot of the Tomb Raider series was a notable success in the industry, with Rise of the Tomb Raider serving as a worthy sequel to this reboot that also performed well commercially. However, while the third game in this series is definitely brilliant in its own right… it’s also the worst performer of the lot.

With the disappointing sales numbers of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, it goes without saying that the series is definitely at a standstill. This is a shame, as the game definitely had some good things going for it despite its uninspired gameplay.

6 Titanfall 2

One of the most underrated FPS games of all time, it’s a shame that Titanfall 2 never managed to net the sales figures it rightfully deserved. The movement was fluid, the multiplayer matches were intense, and the campaign is brilliant as well.

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However, Titanfall 2 was a commercial failure, which meant that plans for a third game were nixed and Respawn Entertainment’s resources were focused on other IPs instead.

5 Sunset Overdrive

A fast-paced third-person shooter that never takes itself too seriously and always puts player fun at the forefront — it’s easy to see why the developers were chosen to bring the brilliance of Spider-Man over to a new generation of consoles.

That being said, one has to feel somewhat sad for Sunset Overdrive, which seems destined to be a standalone property at this point with no hope for a sequel anytime soon.

4 The Outer Worlds

Obsidian Entertainment has constantly been riding the coattails of third-party IPs for the longest time, so it’s genuinely refreshing to see a game under their belt that is completely fresh and unique to the company.

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The Outer Worlds is an excellent title, featuring a well-told story coupled with a bunch of beautiful worlds that make the act of going through the game quite engaging indeed.

3 ReCore

Like many console exclusives released over the first few years of the Xbox One’s lifespan, ReCore didn’t quite manage to live up to expectations. Set in a barren landscape with plenty of potential for further expansion, ReCore combines platforming with third-person shooter elements to create a fun gameplay loop. The protagonist coming with three robotic companions also adds a bit of charm to the experience.

While the minute-to-minute combat is generally decent, ReCore does fall a bit flat when it comes to exploration and puzzles. ReCore is not amazing but it could be a precursor to a great game.

2 Alan Wake

Remedy Entertainment has always been at the forefront of developing quality titles, and Alan Wake is no exception in this regard. The journey of a novelist as he strives to uncover a mysterious phenomenon that is causing the events of his novel to come to life, Alan Wake is a brilliant title that very much deserves a sequel in its own right.

With Remedy Entertainment launching two quickfire IPs post the development of this title, one has to say that the chances for a sequel to Alan Wake definitely seem rather slim.

1 Minecraft

One of the most popular crafting games of all time, Minecraft is one of the greatest titles to have ever been made. One need only look at the sheer number of gamers playing this title on a daily basis to understand just how massive the popularity of Minecraft really is.

So, if there’s any game that deserves a sequel, it’s this behemoth of a title. Given the fact that it has been a decade since Minecraft’s release, one can definitely make a strong case for Minecraft 2.

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