He said, “I don’t see it (AEW) as legitimate competition, I see it as competition, which is great. There should always be a competition. But until they actually produce one of their own major stars, until they actually have a production as big as WWE, and until they start — I mean, WWE’s already got — they’ve got the next three generations of superstars because they have, like, NXT camps all over the world now. They’re so far ahead of the game that I don’t see any real competition. Not even close… But I believe that competition is always good, especially in the sports entertainment industry. I really support them.” H/t: Comicbook

WWE’s aggressive hiring practices have enabled the company to have a roster filled with the best talents from around the world. However, when it comes to apt utilization of the manpower, the powers that be backstage are clueless. It’s sometimes appalling to see the kind of talents that are warming the benches.

The main roster is brimming with gifted superstars and many of them have been absent from TV for extended periods of time. The reasons vary, of course, and in this slider, we’ll take a look at those names who you probably forgot are still listed as main roster stars.

#1. Lio Rush

You can have all the skill and ability in the world but without the proper attitude, you aren’t going anywhere in the WWE. Lio Rush is a prime example. At least, that is if the rumors are to be believed.

The 23-year-old Superstar’s career seemed to have been progressing well as the hypeman of Bobby Lashley. He got ample amount of screen-time, put together compelling promos and was also said to be in the good books of WWE officials.

However, early success may have gotten the better of the young superstar as concerning reports of backstage heat on Rush started making the rounds. The former 205 Live Star was accused of having a ‘bad attitude’, with reports stating that he disrespected a few veterans and WWE stars backstage. Things kept getting worse as he was split up from Lashley before being taken off TV altogether.

Rush even removed all mentions of WWE on his Twitter handle and posted cryptic videos and tweets that hinted at a departure. The latest update from PWInsider claims that WWE will be sending him back to NXT.

The Man of the Hour needs to start with a clean slate.

#2. The Colons and The Ascension

The reason why these two tag teams have been clubbed into the same section is quite obvious, isn’t it?

The Colons and The Ascension are in the same boat. They are being paid to practically do nothing. Viktor and Konnor justify getting a paycheck by consistently losing on Main Event Tapings. As for Primo and Epico, we don’t even know what the Peurto-Rican cousins are currently up to. They are wrestling, but not for WWE despite being under contract. Confused?

As always, Dave Meltzer has all the answers.

“Even though Primo Colon has been working in Puerto Rico a lot as of late, he is still under contract here [WWE]. Both Colons have it in their deal that because of the longstanding WWE relationship with Carlos Colon, that they are allowed to work shows for WWC (World Wrestling Council in Peurto Rico)."

While Colons have a good deal in place, Victor and Konor need to start looking for better opportunities outside. They are the longest reigning NXT tag champs for god’s sake!

#3. The Riott Squad (Liv Morgan, Ruby Riott and Sarah Logan)

Unless you are an UpUpDownDown regular, you’ll be wondering over the whereabouts of Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan.

The Riott Squad don’t always get the credit they richly deserve, The three company women played important roles in making Ronda Rousey an all-conquering champion. They were rewarded by being split up in the Superstar Shake-up.

Liv Morgan would be sent to SmackDown Live while Riott and Logan stayed back on Raw. The leader, Ruby Riott has taken a hiatus to fix a bilateral injury and even underwent shoulder surgery recently.

Morgan, on the other hand, has been used sparingly in dark matches. She seems to be in line for a TV return and even debuted a new possible finisher in her most recent dark match against Ember Moon.

That leaves us with Sarah Logan, who teased a new Viking-inspired gimmick in an off-air segment on Raw. I expected a throwback to her Crazy Mary Dobson days and a potential re-debut as Sister Abigail on Bray Wyatt’s FireFly Fun house experiment. I expect too much. Viking Logan it is.

#4. Alicia Fox

Alicia Fox is a 13-year WWE veteran but her recent actions leave a lot to be desired. Foxy was all over the news in February earlier this year as reports emerged that she showed up at a live event intoxicated.

Arn Anderson, the producer of her match, allowed Foxy to compete in an inebriated state. Anderson was subsequently shown the door for his careless decision.

As for the former Divas Champion, WWE didn’t release her. No, no - Vince McMahon and co. are nice people. They offered her help and were willing to send her to a rehabilitation facility. However, Fox reportedly went AWOL.

She did return to in-ring action for a match against Becky Lynch in April but has gone into hibernation mode yet again. You can find her on Instagram though, where thefoxxyone is quite active, regularly posting photos with a million hashtags.

From the wrestling front, the future seems bleak for the 32-year-old Superstar. A return to modelling beckons.

#5. Jason Jordan

Have you forgotten about Kurt Angle’s son? You better not as Kurt Angle recently sent out a ‘hilarious warning’ to his kayfabe son on Father’s Day. Kayfabe is being kept alive despite the fact that both father and son may never compete in the ring again.

Jordan has been off WWE TV for well over a year and as things stand, his in-ring career could well and truly be over. Despite undergoing surgery, Jordan’s neck injury is said to be in such a state that getting a green signal from the WWE doctors could be a distant dream. He has had difficulties in getting a firm grip with his hands and that is viewed as a very bad sign.

The former Raw Tag Team Champion is keeping himself busy behind the scenes. He has already produced a few matches and has been involved in a few creative meetings as well.

There is still a flicker of hope regarding an in-ring return though. Daniel Bryan’s return gives us belief. Jordan is exceptionally skilled and we sincerely pray that he gets physically fit to wrestle again.

Honourable mention:

Fandango: Fandango recently returned from a lengthy injury layoff during the recent NXT tapings and is expected to be a full-time member of the yellow brand’s roster moving forward. He will continue his alliance with Tyler Breeze in a feud with The Forgotten Sons.

Eric Young: SAnitY may be history but Eric Young is still around on the Raw brand. The last we saw him, Seth Rollins was seen ‘dissuading’ him with chair shots on Raw.

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