But this isn’t the case with every Superstar out there. The history of Pro Wrestling is filled with wrestlers who got out of shape during their careers. Many failed to go back to getting their ideal physique, but there have been some who worked hard and got back in shape. In this list, we’ll take a look at 10 such Superstars.

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#10 Sheamus

Recently, former WWE Champion Sheamus appeared on E & C’s Pod of Awesomeness, and talked in depth on his journey towards getting fit again. Sheamus revealed that a joke made by Vince McMahon made him do something about his weight.

#9 Kane

The Big Red Machine has been one of the most intimidating athletes in WWE over the course of his entire WWE run. This did come at a cost though. There was a time when Kane used to weigh around 320 pounds.

As time passed though, one could clearly see that he had worked towards shedding that extra fat, and was looking as chiseled as he ever did. As can be seen in the above picture, Kane sure went through a lot to shed that fat and get an incredible physique.

#8 Triple H

It certainly becomes hard for a wrestler to keep their body in peak shape when they’re on the road every single week, without ever getting a break. Triple H has been a WWE mainstay for a long while now.

He had gained a good amount of weight sometime during 2010, as can be seen in the above photo. The Game worked incredibly hard towards getting back in shape, and was looking a bit better by 2012. He underwent a demanding diet schedule in 2015, shedding 15 pounds in 15 days!

#7 CM Punk

After Punk left WWE in 2014, he kicked off a stint with UFC. Punk needed to cut weight for his UFC fight, and was well over 200 pounds mere days before his fight against Mickey Gall. With intense training and diet management, Punk managed to cut his weight down to the required mark, and made the weight for the contest.

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#6 Braun Strowman

The Monster Among Men recently shared a heartbreaking story from 2013, when he weighed a whopping 418 pounds, and needed his girlfriend’s help to tie his shoelaces. Fast forward 6 years, and Strowman is in the best shape of his life.

#5 Goldust

Current AEW star Goldust was not in a happy place at one point in his career. He was in terrible shape and it was clear that age was catching up with him. In a 2013 interview, Goldust stated that he “feels better than ever after dropping 60 pounds on a no-carb diet.”

As unbelievable as it sounds, Goldust had actually shed 60 pounds off his body!

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#4 Chris Jericho

Back in 2008-10, one couldn’t help but notice that Chris Jericho had gained some weight. The former WWE Cruiserweight had changed drastically over the course of a decade or so. Jericho did work on getting back in shape. In an interview with Muscle & Fitness, he stated that he had shed 15 pounds by doing yoga.

#3 Awesome Kong

Many fans might not remember, but Kong had a short stint with WWE around a decade ago that didn’t go anywhere. She weighed around 270 pounds when she was with WWE, and made it a point to work towards cutting weight. In 2013, she tweeted a photo, showing off her incredible transformation

#2 Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy had gained a lot of weight by 2009, and this hadn’t gone unnoticed by the WWE Universe. Some went as far as to refer to him as “Fat Hardy”. It was truly one of the lowest points in his career. He had gotten his appendix removed in 2007, and gained some weight as a result. He spent the next few years getting back in shape. Hardy revealed an amazing transformation earlier this year, via a tweet.

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#1 The Big Show

Was there anyone else truly deserving of the #1 spot? The Big Show has shown his critics that anything can happen if one works hard enough. Show is one of the biggest men in all of Pro Wrestling, and his size was one of the reasons why he became a marketable Superstar.

At one time, Show weighed 500 pounds, and was struggling to carry all of that weight on a daily basis. He lost a lot of weight after going through intense workouts and diets, and later credited John Cena for inspiring him to do the same.

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