Earlier this week, when I heard Michael Cole say ‘RAW is the longest-running weekly show in television history’, I couldn’t help but compare it to its counterparts. Year after year, new shows were introduced but they are from being as consistent as the Monday Night RAW.

The WWE creatives receive backlash when the product doesn’t go according to the expectations of the masses. But, the fact remains that the writing is the true hero behind the commendable run of the red brand.

This led me to think about Game of Thrones (the last series I binged watched) and witnessed the amount of criticism it received in the last season. The creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss were subjected to the most brutal reviews from across the globe.

Yet, GOT remains one of the most popular series, courtesy of the characters. Irrespective of the ending, the writing helped immortalize the heroes and villains – something that WWE has mastered over decades.

Thus, here are a few WWE Superstars and their GOT counterparts based on their characterization.

Note– For the sake of everyone’s sanity, please don’t take the relations between GOT characters into consideration.

#10 Kevin Owens – Tyrion Lannister

Every once in a while, we are introduced to a character that forces you to get behind them, irrespective of their story.

Throughout the eight-season long run of Game of Thrones, Tyrion Lannister was probably one of the only characters who had almost everyone on his side. He knew when to engage in combat and when to rely on mind games.

Kevin Owens is no different. His impressive in-ring skills are well complemented by his ridiculously good mic work. He works the crowd like none other and ensures a good reaction every time the spotlight is on him. Even as a heel, KO is far from being a ‘hated’ character on the main roster.

Both Tyrion and KO can bury their opponents in a war of words. Similar to Tyrion’s witty chats throughout the show, KO is responsible behind some of the best WWE segments via his talk show.

And most importantly, both have punched an entitled prince in the hour of need.

#9 Paul Heyman – Benjen Stark

Sometimes, a warrior needs someone to guide him through the adversities that lie ahead in the path.

In the show, Benjen Stark aka Uncle Benjen guides Jon Snow in every step of adulthood (until he dies i.e.). He even defends his nephews beyond the wall and sacrifices everything he has for their protection. Truth be told, he is the one who hyped the army of Whitewalkers. And, he says the things that others need to hear.

Like Uncle Benjen, Paul Heyman plays a crucial role in guiding the storylines pertaining to WWE Superstars. Despite speaking as the advocate of Brock Lesnar, he elevates the persona of The Beast Incarnate’s in-ring opponents.

The manner in which he hyped both Finn Balor and Seth Rollins ahead of their respective matches against Lesnar speaks volumes about the importance of a spokesperson like Heyman.

Now that he is the executive director of RAW, he will be the guiding force behind the major changes in the storylines showcased in the Red Brand.

Both Uncle Benjen and Paul Heyman are not billed as the main character. But they sure know how to make their presence felt.

#8 Hound – Braun Strowman

Sandor Clegane aka Hound was the ultimate character in Game of Thrones. Introduced as the executioner for the Lannister clan, the Hound was portrayed as a grey character that you wouldn’t dream to challenge.

He swung his sword for the king when he was the Kingsguard. He also took a stand against being used as a slayer on the king’s command. Following that, he had a beautiful journey which appealed to the fighter in him – the one that doesn’t take orders from an inferior and cunning leader.

Similarly, Braun Strowman was initially portrayed as the muscle of different heelish stables. But that wouldn’t last long.

The Monster Among Men then slowly started making his way to the top of the roster with the help of his individual conquests. He took on the likes of Kane and Brock Lesnar and assured the WWE Universe that he is not the one to be messed with.

From single-handedly winning the Tag Team Championships to overturning an ambulance, Strowman is one of the most exciting Superstars in the current WWE main roster.

It goes without saying that the way both Hound and Strowman can also turn soft when needed. To be honest, I have the same reaction when either of them appears on my TV screen.

#7 Shane McMahon – Joffrey Baratheon

Sometimes, all we need is a brutal prince to unite a realm.

Joffrey Baratheon, the son of Robert Baratheon, took the reigns of the Seven Kingdoms in his hands after his father’s demise. An evil egomaniac, Joffrey, went on to do everything that pleased his soul. He often expected the people around him to hail him as one true king owing to his legacy.

Similarly, Shane McMahon’s on-screen persona demands the respect that the ‘Best in the World’ supposedly deserves. He often uses his surname to dictate the terms in his battles against other WWE Superstars.

Both these characters heavily rely on their position to turn the tides in their favor. In the process, they convince us that their opponent deserves to win. While Joffrey’s sad attempt met an unfortunate fate, Shane has been playing the perfect heel week after week.

He has willingly put his body on the line a countless number of times. After all, it takes dedication to convince millions that you are indeed the biggest obstacle in another deserving Superstar’s way to the top.

#6 Roman Reigns – Theon Greyjoy

Both Roman Reigns and Theon Greyjoy are the living examples of the power that lies in character development.

Theon had one of the best characters arcs of all time. He was ignored, hated, pitied, and loved as the season progressed. Fans went from despising him to accepting him as a hero and deservedly so.

Similarly, Reigns fetched a lot of love when he first made his main roster debut alongside his SHIELD brothers. He then went on to become one of the most hated WWE Superstars of all time when the fans grew tired of the push that he received.

But when tragedy struck the Big Dog, he emerged as a hero after winning his battle against Leukemia. Reigns had the entire WWE Universe stand behind him upon his return and the fans have cheered for him ever since.

He is slowly fighting his way to the top and this time, he has millions by his side.

#5 The Demon King – Night King

As much as I would have liked to make this comparison about the strengths of both these characters, it’s always the end that breaks my heart.

Game of Thrones took eight seasons to build up all the hype against the Night King. He was supposed to be the most dreaded villain of all time. In fact, the entire series talked about the importance of defeating the biggest threat that wonders beyond the wall and is building an army to fight a war against mortals.

What happened when he crossed the wall?

It took one sneaky assassin to shatter the ‘King’ into pieces. Unfortunately, we couldn’t even see him engage in a proper fight before the dragon glass ended his chapter.

In WWE, Finn Balor is one of the most promising Superstars of this decade. But he is often left stranded amidst different storylines which fail to bring out his potential.

Be it his opponents or weak storytelling, Balor’s Demon King is often involved in bouts that fail to live up to the hype. Fortunately, there’s still a chance to redeem the dying hype around Balor and his extraordinary skills.

His match against Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam 2019 may prove that the Irish Superstar still deserves to be one of the top guys in WWE.

#4 Charlotte Flair – Cersei Lannister

A queen like none other!

Cersei Lannister redefined the term ‘Queen’ with her cruel intentions in Game of Thrones. More than her legacy, Cersei relied on her individual lessons to fight for the throne. She made the world bow down to her wrath.

Cersei wasn’t a regular person struggling for power. She clawed her way to the top and took pride in all that she has done.

Noone other than Charlotte Flair can come close to one of the greatest villains in TV history. Charlotte has already proven her in-ring skills but it’s her ‘holier than thou’ attitude that makes us dislike and respect her at the same time.

Charlotte is one of the most popular WWE Superstars and her drive keeps her on the top. Unlike your conventional queen, Charlotte’s tiara was wrapped around her waist and she did that nine times in total.

#3 Becky Lynch – Daenerys Targaryen

Even the strongest bars can’t stop a dragon from spreading its wings.

Daenerys Targaryen went from being sold for an army by her brother, to leading her own army which included the most brutal soldiers and three dragons.

She may have fallen victim to her aspirations by the time the series ended, but Dany will forever be remembered for her rise to the top all by herself.

In WWE, Becky Lynch is a similar epitome of struggle to reach the top. For years, the Man was sidelined but she clawed her way to the top of the women’s division.

Becky headlined WrestleMania alongside Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey and walked out of the arena with two belts.

Unlike Dany, Becky doesn’t have dragons to dight her battle. But she sure has the fire burning within her that will be her biggest weapon when she conquers the wrestling universe for years to come.

#2 Triple H – Ned Stark

The one who sits on the throne may rule seven kingdoms, but its well-being remains in the hands of Warden of North.

As the lord of Winterfell, Ned Stark was one of the most important characters in Game of Thrones. He didn’t survive beyond the first season. But he raised a king, a queen, an assassin and a true leader.

Ned Stark spent a better part of his life defending the throne for his king and died trying to save his legacy. He imparted the brutal lessons that one needs to learn in order to become the best player in the game but remained an honorable man.

In WWE, Triple H is the closest figure to Ned Stark. ‘The Game’ has molded several Superstars in NXT who will take WWE to new heights in the coming years. He adapted to the necessary changes when required and listened to the WWE Universe while planning the product.

He effortlessly establishes a connection with the audience. He repeatedly put over the Superstars who had thousands of fans standing behind them. I believe that’s enough to convince why he is the guy behind the better future of the product.

Time and again, the situation may dictate the rules but it never stops ‘The Game’.

#1 Seth Rollins – Jon Snow

Let’s be honest, we all knew Jon Snow was destined for greatness even when he wouldn’t get a seat on the Stark table.

Irrespective of living a lie for the first twenty years of his life, he was the one who never backed down from a fight. Jon Snow almost gave up everything to go into a battle with his brother. He took it upon himself to be a leader when the time didn’t run in his favor.

Although he said ‘I don’t want it’ more times than an average person talking to a call center employee, his strength and valor convinced the realm that he was the king that everyone deserves.

Similarly, Seth Rollins is the one that deserves to be on top. For years his identity was derived from the SHIELD. But when the time came and his brothers had to go in an unplanned direction, The Architect took it on himself to become the leader he was meant to be.

As Aegon Targaryen, Jon Snow honored his responsibilities and took on the Night King. He had a dual with the biggest threat to the mortals. He was the one who plunged his sword into the chest of a general and beat him when the White Walker came to conquer the Wildlings.

But here, Seth Rollins has more accolades to his name. He conquered the Universal Championship after beating Brock Lesnar and is once again getting ready to go toe-to-toe with the Beast Incarnate.

Well, we hope that this time the one true king finds his rightful place at the top of the WWE main roster.

What do you think about this list? Let us know in the comments section below.

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