Cody Rhodes, the Bucks, and Hangman Page all stood outside in the cold night air and declared that their new organization, All Elite Wrestling, had become a reality. Months of rumours and speculation were finally confirmed; Cody and the Young Bucks are entering the wrestling promoter business.

It’s a brutal business, at that. Many pro wrestling organization rise and fall, mostly fall. The fact of the matter is, AEW is going to face an uphill battle for fans, and the competition for viewers is fierce. In a crowded market that already includes WWE, NJPW, ROH, and the myriad independent promotions, AEW could have a hard slog of things.

Take Ring of Honor and TNA, for example. ROH has been plugging along for over a decade and has its share of rabid wrestling fans. However, it has not grown very much in that time and is still largely putting on smaller shows. TNA/Impact was once seen as a potential major rival for WWE, but numerous missteps have caused it to slide down to being little more than an independent promotion with a TV deal.

So, can AEW do it? Can they pull off the nigh impossible? The answer is yes, but only if they sign great talent. Here are ten wrestlers who might end up working for AEW before the end of the year.

1. Kenny Omega “The Cleaner”

Let’s begin with the Alpha, the big dog, the man of the hour, and unquestionably the biggest wrestling talent on the planet; Kenny Omega.

Kenny, the self-proclaimed ‘best bout machine,’ has been working with New Japan Pro wrestling for years. He is, however, about to reach the end of his contract with that company. With offers on the table from just about every major wrestling organization on the planet, the question is; What will Kenny do?

Chances of him joining AEW: About 50-50. Rumour has it Omega is ready to move on from NJPW; Good news for Cody and the Bucks. However, he was also flown to WWE headquarters, first class, right before his title match with Tanahashi. According to the usually pretty accurate Dave Meltzer of the WON, WWE put a ‘fantastic’ offer on Kenny’s plate. Will Kenny chase the money and brighter lights of a WWE contract, or will friendship and creative control be more important to the Cleaner? Fans will just have to wait and see.

2. Shinsuke Nakamura “the King of Strong Style.”

Shinsuke Nakamura is more than a mere performer, and far beyond a pro wrestler; He is one of the few true artists in sports entertainment. Yes, he is a great technical wrestler. Yes, he is one of the best strikers in the game today. But it’s Nakamura’s ability to tell a story with his wrestling that truly stands out to fans and promoters alike.

Shinsuke was ridiculously over on NXT and seemed to be just as popular when he made it to the main roster. However, an ill-advised heel turn derailed much of his precious momentum. He lost to AJ Styles at Wrestlemania 34, and then slid down the card.

True, he enjoyed a long reign as US champion, but it seems paltry for a man of his talents to have the mid-card belt. Will he sign with All elite Wrestling?

Chances of signing with All Elite Wrestling: Practically zero. Nakamura has said in recent interviews that he wants to remain with WWE and get into the ‘big belt’ title hunt once more. If for some reason he does not re-sign with WWE, odds are he would head back to NJPW before he signed with AEW.

3. Flip Gordon

On the surface, it seems like the Elite doesn’t much like Flip Gordon. They put him down on social media, tease him about his youth and relative inexperience, and even rip on his name for being ‘cheesy’ (this from guys who think tye dye still flies in 2019.)

However, if you look past the surface you’ll note that there is actually a lot of respect from Cody and the Bucks toward Flip Gordon. After all, they booked him to win the hilariously entitled “Over Budget Battle Royal” at the first All In Event.

Gordon has a lot in common with the Elite; He’s a smaller, quicker athlete, he came up through Ring of Honor and the independents, and he’s enjoyed a lot of success at a relatively young age. But does that mean he has a job waiting for him with AEW?

Chances of him signing with AEW: about 70-30. The Elite might like to have him, but he has contractual obligations with Ring of Honor. If ROH is okay with him working for both promotions, and ROH is on pretty good terms with the Elite, then he could be a great future star for their fledgling company.

4. Bill Goldberg

Many fans and critics alike scoff at the idea of Bill Goldberg joining All Elite Wrestling. After all, Goldberg seems like the antithesis of what the Elite are all about. Instead of being small and quick, he’s big and brawny. Rather than sixty-minute marathon matches, he gets the job done in less than five minutes.

But on the other hand, given that All Elite Wrestling is seeking a television deal, a man like Goldberg might be just what the doctor ordered. Simply put, he has massive mainstream appeal that the Elite simply don’t have as of yet.

Because of his involvement in other forms of entertainment and media, people who have never watched pro wrestling know his name and what he’s all about. That kind of name recognition would mean a lot to television executives who are on the fence about giving AEW a spot on their lineup.

Chances of him joining AEW: About 30-70. Yes, Goldberg has followed AEW on Twitter, and yes, the AEW has followed him back, but that doesn’t mean that he is going to be signed as a performer. Most likely, if Goldberg does sign he will be used sparingly as a special attraction, or possibly even in the announce booth. And he could always don the black tights and fingerless gloves and spear the living heck out of someone!

5. Big E Langston

Big E is one of the more underrated talents in WWE right now. With his imposing physique, unbelievable quickness, and tremendous endurance he’s already got the physical tools to be a dominant player. But, Big E isn’t just another muscle-bound guy. He has a ton of charisma and can resonate with the crowd on a level many superstars yearn to achieve.

Big E has already faced off against the Elite, sort of. He was part of a video game contest between the New Day and the Elite on their podcast. Given that he respects them, and they respect him, it may not be that far fetched to see Big E jump ship.

Chances of him joining All Elite Wrestling: 50-50. His current WWE contract would have to expire first, and then there’s a good chance the WWE will make him a major offer just to keep him out of the clutches of the competition. Big E is a man who should be a lot higher on the ladder, challenging for the big belt on Raw or Smackdown. If WWE insists on keeping him in a tag team division, he might be tempted to join AEW.

6. Chris Jericho

How many matches did thirty-year veteran Chris Jericho wrestle in 2018? 20? 10? Try only three!

Yes, Jericho only worked three wrestling matches in the entirety of last year (though he did make appearances at wrestling shows and did some promo work.) Still, he was one of the most talked about and sought-after talents in the game. After appearing at the Greatest Royal Rumble in Saudi Arabia, he then surprisingly started menacing New Japan Pro star Kenny Omega, and then Naito.

Chris Jericho would be a real coup for All Elite Wrestling if they can convince him to sign.

Chances of him signing with All Elite Wrestling: We’d have to say about 10%, and that’s being generous. Jericho may have lost the IWGP Intercontinental title, but now he’s gunning for the IWGP World Title now held by Tanahashi. Jericho enjoys working on his own schedule, and of course, he has dipped his toe in the promoter pool with his wrestling cruise, which was a tremendous success. AEW would have to offer him a lot, financially and otherwise, to get him to sign on the dotted line.

7. Xavier Woods

Back in the day, Xavier Woods was a 19-year-old rookie who caught the eye of a little known independent wrestler named AJ Styles, perhaps you’ve heard of him?

AJ opened the door for Xavier, who was going by the name Consequences Creed at the time, to join TNA wrestling. He did challenge AJ for the world heavyweight title, but a lot of people remember him for throwing up in the ring during a tornado tag team match which also featured the Motor City Machine Guns.

Xavier Woods joined WWE a few years later but didn’t accomplish much until he formed the New Day stable with Big E and Kofi Kingston. He’s already friends with the Elite, but does that mean he might sign with them?

Chances of him signing with All Elite Wrestling: 70-30. Xavier Woods is exactly the kind of athlete that the Elite want to get under contract; young but experienced, quick and acrobatic, and with a strong social media game. Given his smaller size, and his unfortunate tabloid fodder leaked video with Paige, he might have already hit the glass ceiling in WWE. We’re betting if there’s an offer on the table he will jump ship unless the WWE makes a major play for him to stay.

8. Dalton Castle

Dalton Castle is a ‘just add water’ sensation; His debut in ROH’s proving ground tournament was supposed to be a one-off, but fans were chanting ’this is awesome’ before he even stepped into the ring! They were blown away by his presence and in your face gimmick, a combination of Liberace and Superstar Billy Graham.

Then he actually got in the ring and displayed tremendous strength, agility and speed. Dalton would end up wearing the ROH world title in a remarkably short time with the company, which is about as high of praise as you can get on the indie scene. Despite numerous injuries, he continues to turn in stellar performances. Could he be on his way to the AEW?

Chances of him joining All Elite Wrestling: 50-50. Dalton’s ROH contract is up soon, but there are rumours the WWE is very keen on hiring him, and think he would be insanely popular in NXT. If WWE’s offer isn’t tempting enough, he could wind up in AEW.

9. Kofi Kingston

Kofi Kingston has been with the WWE for a long, long time. When he made his debut, he was packaged as being from Jamaica, complete with a Bob Marley-esque accent.

However, that was not meant to last. Kofi’s mother is the president of the Ghanian-American appreciation society, and she was not happy that her son, born in East Ghana, was portraying a man of a different nationality.

Kofi subtly changed his hometown to Ghana, and dropped the accent during a segment with Triple H, which prompted the Game to ask “Aren’t you supposed to be Jamaican?”

Chances of joining All Elite Wrestling: 80-20. Kofi is a record holder for having the most total days as Tag Team champion in the WWE and has held the Intercontinental title as well. However, he has some enemies in the locker room.

Randy Orton still holds a grudge because Kofi botched during one of their matches live on Raw, and Vince McMahon isn’t happy he wanted to drop the Jamaican gimmick in favour of his true heritage. Kofi has probably accomplished all he can in the WWE, and it might be time for a change of scenery.

10. Kevin Owens

When it comes to pro wrestlers with the deepest movesets, Kevin Owens might be right on top of the mountain. He can do technical wrestling when he wants to, or he can brawl with equal aplomb. Given his size, he can pull of power moves, too, but it’s his insane agility for a big man that truly sets him apart.

Kevin Owens was elevated from NXT rather quickly, perhaps too quickly. Once on the main roster he sort of floundered, despite feuds with men like John Cena and his sick microphone skills. He’s been relegated to more or less a comedy role with sidekick Sammi Zayn.

Chances of him joining All Elite Wrestling: 40-60. While Kevin Owens might want to wrestle higher on the card, he admits he makes a great deal more money working for WWE than he did on the independent scene. Given that he has a family to support, AEW would have to make quite a tempting offer to acquire his services.

There you have it: Ten wrestlers who might join AEW. Who do you think will join AEW, or do you think the promotion is doomed to fail? Please comment and let us know and as always thanks for reading!

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