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Still, some of the weirder games of the series like Sonic R and Tails’ Sky Patrol get love from fans. Even Sonic 06 manages to have a cult following thanks to how wacky it is. There are just Sonic games so undeniably bad that no one is looking to play them again for any reason.

10 Sonic the Hedgehog’s Gameworld

Most Sega fans forget that the Sega Pico even exists which is kind of a shame. In terms of edutainment-styled consoles the Sega Pico was one of the best. Still, fans who are looking to play every Sonic game ever made are likely going to be disappointed in Sonic the Hedgehog’s Gameworld. The game itself is of good quality for the Pico but these minigames literally meant for small children are bound to bore fans.

9 Sonic The Fighters

With Super Smash Bros. being one of the best fighting games out there Sonic fans might hope the franchise’s own foray into the genre might be equally as fun. Their hopes would be quickly dashed away. This Virtua Fighter clone was okay in arcades but has plenty of broken strategies and characters for players that dig in deeper. This game doesn’t give fans a reason to play it more than once.

8 Sonic Shuffle

Sonic Shuffle is a Dreamcast game that we’re glad is stuck there indefinitely. There are countless better party games than Sonic Shuffle with minigames that are actually fun and not horribly confusing. The saddest thing is the game does have a story, albeit a weird one, but who’s going to get a friend to volunteer to play the game in order to see it?

7 Shadow the Hedgehog

Take Sonic the Hedgehog and make him 20% edgier! This seemed to be the general premise behind Shadow the Hedgehog. The game had players able to use literal guns for the first time in a Sonic title and then made the shooting controls sloppy and terrible to even use.

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One of the worst parts of the game is that players have to get all the default endings, which are barely different, to access the one true ending to the game. It’s a good thing we live in a world with YouTube today so Sonic fans will never have to suffer through that grind again.

6 Sonic and the Black Knight

When gamers think of unresponsive controls they’re sure to think of this title. Sonic and the Black Knight allowed players to swing a Wii remote in order to swing Sonic’s sword but with combat being so repetitive few players would even want to. The missions in the game were also pitifully easy making the game boring to play. Who’s going to spend hours trying to make motion controls work for a lackluster game? Nobody, that’s who.

5 Sonic Labyrinth

Gotta go slow! Anyone who tried Sonic Labyrinth as their first game in the franchise would be utterly confused that Sonic games promised speedy gameplay. What’s worse is that the game has a timer for each level making the sluggish movement in the game that much more unbearable. The only thing Sonic fans will be racing to do after playing this Game Gear title is to play something else.

4 Sonic’s Schoolhouse

No, Baldi’s Basics doesn’t have a Sonic spinoff. Many famous franchises tried making edutainment games hoping that mascot recognition could help them sell while giving parents positive impressions. Sonic’s Schoolhouse was Sega’s attempt to dive into the fray.

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Players don’t even get to control Sonic and instead played as various animal characters. The choice for Sonic’s voice acting was questionable and the minigames presented in the title were boring compared to other edutainment titles of the era.

3 Sonic Free Riders

This sequel should have been canceled before it was even created. A hoverboard game with motion controls sounds fun on the surface but Sonic Free Riders showed it was horrific in practice. It’s one of the most broken Kinect games that ever existed and is better thrown into a trashcan than into a game console.

2 Sonic Boom: Rise Of Lyric

This Wii U exclusive Sonic game was a hot mess. The game has more bugs than a hive of wasps and is about as much fun as one. Being able to infinitely jump may be fun for speedruns but makes the game broken for casual players. The game had abysmal sales which permanently hurt the Sonic Boom brand. Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice was a slightly better title but that’s not hard to be in comparison to Rise of Lyric.

1 Sonic Jam (

The was a failed console produced by Tiger Electronics back in 1997. This poorly named console was supposed to compete against the Gameboy with its internet connectivity. With all of its other flaws, it may come as no surprise that the blue blur’s life on this console was absolutely atrocious.

Just look at how depressingly sluggish Sonic Jam is on the console. It’s poorly pasted together level designs made certain routes completely impassible. It’s designed so poorly that it’s no wonder most Sonic fans have forgotten it even exists.

NEXT: 10 Best Sonic Handheld Games, Ranked