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Its use ⁠— or lack of use ⁠— of logic has made The Witcher even funnier than the developers were probably aiming for, as there are a number of things happening here that really shouldn’t. Although these 10 memes have been explained in the descriptions below, their level of hilarity is such that just the picture itself should be enough.

10 Skewed Priorities

This lack of sense happens in every other RPG, as NPCs are hardwired to give responses based on the role they have to play. However, it does make for some ridiculousness to watch, considering these replies turn out to be so inappropriate.

For instance, if Geralt were to inquire upon the location of his missing daughter, rather than give him their sympathies, NPCs simply snark back at him over mundane activities.

9 Gamer Life Problems

The big downside of becoming addicted to an open-world game is the familiarity that forms. After playing the map over so many times, it becomes second nature to expect certain things, even if it isn’t possible in real life

For The Witcher fans in particular, this is a problem since they’re so used to using fast travel. Of course, the joke in this meme is how a regular guy is wearing a Geralt get-up in broad daylight, but fans will no doubt relate to the disappointing lack of fast travel in real life.

8 How’s That Now?

Video games still haven’t reached the point where things can be completely authentic, no matter how many side missions or details are available. The crossbow is something that transcends all manner of logic, seeing as its impact level varies based on surface.

For some reason, it’s the best weapon to ever have if one is underwater, despite logic dictating that it should be totally useless. On the flip side, the crossbow is, again for some unknown reason, not very effective out of water, where it actually should be.

7 Geralt’s Gotta Earn

No matter how good of a person you might be, it’s impossible to resist getting free stuff when you can. The Witcher games have given players the option to help characters out in side missions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage.

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To this end, gamers tend to loot the NPCs’ houses even though they’re out there fighting for their benefit. If this were to be seen from the lens of a person unfamiliar with the games, you can be sure those viewers will think Geralt’s one big mooch.

6 Take That!

This game series is quite satisfying if you like doling out your petty grievances in even more petty ways, especially given the reactions of the NPCs. Not every character comes across as nice, so taking a small slice of revenge always feels good.

It’s always best to take the high road, but life presents one with certain exceptions ⁠— thus, the “passive aggressive” Witcher.

5 All For Nothing

It’s not possible to explain everything out to a player straight out the gate, which is why the game has a database for stuff one collects. Unfortunately, the descriptions are so detailed that reading them is like playing a whole other game in itself.

On top of that, there’s the matter of attempting to decipher the words since they’re all crammed together on the screen. Due to this, most simply skip reading information and learn on the go, rendering the encyclopedia pretty much useless.

4 Didn’t Think This Through

Bandits surely are a weird bunch, prone to attacking someone they really don’t have a chance against. Coming across these enemies is common, but over time it becomes more of a minor nuisance than a real challenge.

What’s more is that none of the other bandits learn either, even though word should have logically spread out to steer clear of someone who kills people and monsters with ease.

3 Sounds About Right

There’s probably no point playing a game like The Witcher if one doesn’t indulge in side missions, although the amount of time wasted procrastinating on random things does get out of hand. In-universe, it would make Geralt seem like the most irresponsible person ever.

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This map perfectly illustrates the path pretty much every player of the game takes, with unknown locations being too tempting not to explore. Even though the objective isn’t far away, everyone knows it’s going to be hours before they get there.

2 Don’t Judge If You Don’t Know

There’s a sizable amount of the fanbase that doesn’t even bother to go through with the main storyline, all thanks to a little card game called GWENT. Ironically, while many criticisms are aimed toward the series for being violent, many fans are just in it for the cards.

By this logic, The Witcher is hardly a game that promotes fighting or brutality, but rather one that teaches cool card tricks.

1 Seriously, Geralt?

As far as consistency goes, it’s best not to look to The Witcher as a reference. After all, here’s a guy who can probably beat the baddest out there, but can’t seem to carry on after basic bumps. This is both a criticism and a source of comedy for fans.

Of course, being a game, Geralt does need to have limitations for the health system to work, but it’s hard to defend this considering how lame it sounds for someone who’s beaten monsters to die by tripping and falling.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: 10 Things Yennefer Can Do That Geralt Can’t