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As a result, Geralt encounters a lot of people and creatures in the game. Some of the encounters turn out fairly normal but there are some that are truly bizarre. Either because Geralt faces an unusual creature or because the meeting has serious consequences.

10 Hym

Unlike drowners, vampires, werewolves, and the likes, hym only appears once in the game. It’s still a memorable encounter since this rare being is terrifying. It latches onto someone who committed a bad deed and has a guilty conscience. The hym then feeds on the person and forces them to mutilate themselves. Luckily, Geralt can get rid of him without fighting the creature. He just needs to listen to Cerys and trust her in order to achieve that.

9 Annabelle

Annabelle is another unique creature. She has a deeply disturbing backstory. Peasants attacked the tower where she lived with her family. They killed her family but Annabelle took a sleeping potion. It made her look dead but also paralyzed her. When she woke up, she couldn’t move and rats ate her alive. Annabelle poses as a sweet and unhappy person who just wants peace. But if Geralt falls for her lies, she will turn into a Plague Maiden. Once she escapes the tower, many people will die. Geralt’s best bet is to send Annabelle into the afterlife.

8 The Crones

Also known as the Ladies of the Wood, or simply the Ladies, the Crones are powerful witches. They pose as beautiful women in the tapestry they use for speaking with people. But in person, they’re hideous creatures adorned with human limbs. The Crones are cannibals, they like to eat children and young people. They try to eat Ciri as well. In the end, Ciri can take care of them but she only kills two Crones and the third one escapes.

7 Ulle The Unlucky

Geralt encounters many wraiths in the game. Either typical wraiths, noonwraiths, or several other variations. However, Ulle the Unlucky is unique. This wraith doesn’t attack and kill people. He’s able to speak, has retained his personality from when he was alive. And he has a sense of humor, albeit a cynical one.

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All in all, Ulle doesn’t seem like a bad guy. So it’s only fitting Geralt has the chance to free him from his suffering. If he succeeds in doing the quest Master of the Arena, Ulle will happily go into the afterlife.

6 Tyrion Lannister

The Witcher 3 contains multiple Easter eggs and references to popular fandoms, such as Batman, or the Kill Bill movies. However, Game of Thrones fans will appreciate this reference the most. When Geralt arrives at Kaer Almhult, he finds out the place is now an abandoned prison. Bandits have made it their home. Once Geralt kills them all, he can open a locked cell. Inside, he will find Tyrion Lannister’s body in a sky cell opening to the sea. Geralt even notes it’s a shame he couldn’t fly.

5 Iris Von Everec

Iris von Everec isn’t a bad person. Her restless spirit tries to kill Geralt several times when he goes into her house. But once he gets to talk to her, Geralt realizes Iris is a good woman who had a bad life. Her husband killed her father and then imprisoned her in their house. Iris died when her heart burst because of her loneliness and sadness. What’s unique about Iris is that she lives in a painted world she created for herself. The painting was the only thing that made her happy in her marriage. In the end, Geralt can free Iris’s soul or let her live the way she does.

4 The Land Of A Thousand Fables Creatures

The Land of a Thousand Fables is home to many strange creatures. Some Geralt can’t avoid meeting while others only appear at certain places. It’s both funny and strange to see how the magical world changes well-known fairytale characters.

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For example, if Geralt decides to check the notice board there, he will find an extra quest. If he takes it, he investigates where Mother Goose disappeared. Once he finds her and frees her from captivity, the goose will reward Geralt by laying a golden egg. There’s also a panther who guards gold at the end of the rainbow. Or if Geralt wants, he can stomp on Thumbelina in the little city.

3 The Apparitions In The Cave Of Dreams

The Cave of Dreams is a quest many players initially miss out on. The reason is that they need to complete it before the coronation of the future king or queen of Skellige. If Geralt goes to the cave with several other Skellige men, he’s in for a unique experience. Each man in the party will face their greatest fear. Without necessary spoilers, let’s just say the apparitions Geralt encounters are both chilling and intriguing.

2 The Old Woman’s Ghost

Another quest that’s easy to miss takes place in Velen, in Blackbough. Geralt finds an old woman there who asks him to help her. She wants him to put her wedding ring on her husband’s grave because her husband is haunting her. If Geralt agrees, he will eventually realize that the old woman was, in fact, a ghost. The quest is chilling the first time someone plays it. Bonus tip - the woman only appears near the bridge at night.

1 Gaunter O’Dimm

By far one of the weirdest beings in the game is Gaunter O’Dimm. O’Dimm poses as a vagrant when Geralt first meets him in White Orchard. He reveals his true face in the DLC Hearts of Stone. He does Geralt a favor and asks him to fulfill Olgierd von Everec’s wishes in return. If Geralt decides to save Olgierd from O’Dimm and he’ll succeed, he’ll see O’Dimm’s true demonic face. That’s downright disturbing, even more so since O’Dimm doesn’t die, he’ll just temporarily disappear from the world of men.

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