International: International Rescue Committee, International Committee of the Red Cross, Women for Women International, Save the Children, International Refugee Assistance Project US: The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Catholic Charities[3] X Research source UK: Refugee Council, Asylum Welcome, Refugee Action, Asylum Aid[4] X Research source Canada: Conference of Defence Associations[5] X Research source

Ethiopian Community Development Council: https://www. amazon. com/hz/wishlist/ls/1UE8S9ZMLOWMO?ref_=wl_fv_le Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services: https://www. amazon. com/hz/wishlist/ls/G0EPWH86L6MC/ref=hz_ls_biz_ex International Rescue Committee/Homes Not Borders: https://www. amazon. com/hz/wishlist/ls/GFSNDAPI1RPE?ref_=wl_share

The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is managing transportation volunteers for Afghan refugees arriving in the Seattle, DC, Houston, and Fort Worth areas. If you live elsewhere, you can still sign up as a general volunteer and the service will contact you if necessary.

Keep in mind that many of the things you might take for granted, such as shopping in a supermarket, will be unfamiliar to Afghan refugees. Even if you don’t have any special skills or education, you can still help with these basic life skills. If you speak Pashto or Farsi, you can use your skills to help translate for refugees. [8] X Research source But even if you don’t know these languages, you can still help them learn basic English.

Refugee families typically need 1-3 bedrooms (depending on the size of the family) and access to kitchen and restroom facilities. In the US, temporary accommodations are being organized by the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

In the US, resettlement is handled by the Reception & Placement (R&P) program, which is funded by the US State Department. This program works with volunteers and local nonprofit organizations to set up homes for refugees that are entering the US. If you’re interested in organizing a home set-up in the US for an Afghan refugee family, contact The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service through their website at https://lirsconnect. org/get_involved/action_center/siv.

Generally, you have to have enough miles or points to cover a one-way flight. The only exceptions are if you have miles with Alaska Airlines, United Airlines, or Air Canada. Direct partnership with those airlines allows miles from different donors to be pooled.

Even if you restrict your posts to friends only, you can still bring attention to the crisis. But if you feel comfortable doing so, making your post public can help even more. On Twitter, follow the hashtags #Afghanistan, #HelpAfghanistan, and #AfghanLivesMatter. If you’re on Instagram, the accounts omar. haidari, theafghan, and middleeastmatters have updates on the situation in the country. [11] X Research source

In the US, get contact information for your senators at https://www. senate. gov/senators/senators-contact. htm. Find out contact information for your representative by entering your ZIP code at https://www. house. gov/representatives/find-your-representative. In the UK, you can find and contact your MP through https://www. parliament. uk/get-involved/contact-an-mp-or-lord/contact-your-mp/.

Knowing the facts enables you to take a stand against misinformation where you see it and encourage people to be more compassionate about the plight of refugees.