“Hey! This is Jason from algebra class. How are you?” If you know them in real life, feel free to be a bit more personal. You could try, “Hi Suzie! What have you been up to? We haven’t talked in a while!” For a flirtier intro, say something like, “Hey there stranger! What’s going on?” Keep in mind, this works best if you already know them so it comes off as a little ironic and friendly.

“What’s the most exciting thing you did today?” If you go to school together, you might ask, “How are you enjoying Ms. David’s English class? Do you like the book we’re reading?” For a flirtier approach, you could ask, “What’s your favorite quality in a boyfriend/girlfriend?”

“Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into the future, or go back 10 minutes into the past?” “Would you rather be able to fly, or turn invisible?” For a flirtier option, you might ask, “Would you rather spend a romantic vacation snowed in at a cabin, or laid out on a private beach?”

“Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into the future, or go back 10 minutes into the past?” “Would you rather be able to fly, or turn invisible?” For a flirtier option, you might ask, “Would you rather spend a romantic vacation snowed in at a cabin, or laid out on a private beach?”

This is a good idea if you already have a sense for their kind of humor. If you have no idea what they find funny, try testing the waters with something uncontroversial. If you know they love physical humor, send them a gif of someone falling over. If they prefer more random humor, send them a strange and goofy meme. You could always add something like, “This reminded me of you!” if you really want to add some flirty context or make them feel like you’re trying to get closer to them.

“Have you seen anything good on Netflix recently? I need a new TV show to binge. ” “Read any good books lately? I enjoy reading, but nothing has piqued my interest lately. You seem like you’re well-read!” “Do you have any tips for dealing with Mr. Spitz’s biology class? I know you’re good at science, but I just can’t seem to pass any of his tests. ”

If they’re into video games, you might ask, “Hey, I can’t beat this boss in this new game I got. Can you help me out?” If the person is really good at a school subject, you could ask, “Is there any way we could study for this next history exam? I really need to pass this one to get my grades up!” For something fun, you might ask, “Hey, you’re stylish. Any way you’d be interested in helping me do some shopping? I’ve got to update my wardrobe. ”

If you go to school or work together, you might say, “Hey, I really liked your outfit today. That’s a cool shirt!” If you don’t know them super well, drop a compliment while you two are talking. Even something as little as, “That’s a really clever way of thinking about it!” can make someone’s day.

For example, if you sent a gif of a smiling gorilla acting silly and they say, “I used to love going to the zoo as a kid,” talk about that! Ask them which animals they like, or talk about your favorite exhibits at the zoo. If you ask them about what they’re doing and they say they’re playing a video game, you might ask, “Oh, fun! What game is it?” After they tell you, ask, “Is it fun?” or, “Would I like it?” The more you can get them talking about something they enjoy, the more open they’ll be with you.

If the two of you were laughing over text messages, turn it into an inside joke the next time you see them. For example, if you were laughing over a bad sweater one of your teachers wore and another student shows up next week dressed in something goofy, you might whisper, “James is really looking like a regular Mr. Davis today. ” You might just bring something up to remind them of your chats. You could say something like, “I wanted to watch that movie you told me about last week but I couldn’t find it online. Do you know if it’s on Netflix or something?”

Don’t read too much into it if they aren’t super talkative. It may feel like they have no interest in hanging out or talking, but it’s much more likely that they’re just a little nervous about opening up. Give it time! [12] X Expert Source Elvina Lui, MFTMarriage & Family Therapist Expert Interview. 15 March 2019. If it feels like they never reach out first even after a few conversations and they don’t try to hang out in person whenever you see them, it’s possible that they just don’t want to hang out with you. It should be pretty obvious after those first few text chats.