It’s in your best interest to prioritize the security of your database. But how can you easily do this? How can you run a secure database?

1. Cultivate a Top-Down Cybersecurity Culture

As a network owner or administrator, you should take the necessary precautions to not compromise or expose your data to cyber threats. Doing that would be sufficient if you were the only one accessing your network.

But does any other person have access to your system? If the answer is yes, you must cultivate a cybersecurity culture that they need to abide by. Now isn’t the time to classify users based on their roles and status: ensure that everyone who accesses your network upholds the mechanisms that you have on the ground to secure your system. Basically, make sure everyone knows what’s expected of them and what security systems are in place to keep your database safe.

2. Identify Database Security Risks

A database security system can only be effective when you understand what you are up against. Users often make the mistake of implementing a generic cybersecurity strategy without identifying the specific risks on the ground. As a result of this, existing loopholes go unnoticed in the process due to the ambiguity of such a generic approach.

Identifying your database management risks helps you develop a strong defense plan that addresses all blind spots.

Break your database into segments. Evaluate the risks in each segment and implement techniques to tackle each risk individually. That way, you have a basis for measuring the impact of your security efforts.

3. Implement the Right Security ASAP

Your database management will have little impact if you only implement security as an afterthought. Start thinking about the technology systems you will use from the onset and embed them into your database infrastructure.

There are several database management tools on the market. However, not every tool is suitable for your system. You want to adopt the most beneficial tools—the ones that simplify your database management. The most effective systems are those that offer services such as identity and access control, data discovery, and malware scanning.

4. Use Automation and Artificial Intelligence

Managing your data manually could jeopardize its quality as things could slip through the cracks. Your best bet is to automate the integral functions of the management, especially the repetitive ones.

Don’t be afraid to use artificial intelligence tools to classify your data sets according to their sensitivity. AI technology will categorize the different categories of data with the right labels and initiate security controls as the need arises. In fact, most companies already use AI without even realizing it!

5. Adopt a Proactive Cybersecurity Approach

Implementing a security-first approach is about thinking ahead of time—envisioning possible security risks and putting up a defense even before the risks occur. The time and effort you need to manage a cyberattack is less than the time and effort you need to prevent one. Your database will be more secure when you put measures in place to manage possible attacks before they occur.

Adopting a proactive cybersecurity approach to your database lets you manage your resources according to your strengths and prevent unpleasant surprises.

6. Prioritize Your Most Critical Assets

All data matters, especially when stored in one system. Cybercriminals could easily penetrate your entire system once they access an asset in your database. But in the grand scheme of things, some data assets are more essential than others.

You may lack the resources to secure and manage all your data assets in one go and with the same zest. You have to decide what data assets should take the front seat and receive the most attention. To do this effectively, you must carefully determine the most critical assets in your database and make sure they’re secured first and foremost. If your system was hacked, what data loss would cause you the most damage? Do all you can to protect it ahead of time.

7. Develop Backup and Recovery Procedures

What would happen if cybercriminals managed to bypass your security defenses? No matter how much faith you have in your cybersecurity efforts, it’s prudent to plan for a possible attack. Develop a backup and recovery procedure that helps duplicate and store your data assets in a safe location should there be a breach or ransomware attack.

Data assets duplicated via a backup procedure are usually immutable—they can’t be altered or compromised. With an effective recovery procedure, you can restore your backed-up data to your system without suffering much downtime.

8. Secure Access With Strong Identity Management Systems

Your data isn’t going to develop wings and fly out of your system, nor inflict any damage on itself. If anything goes wrong, someone is probably behind it. That’s why you must have a record of the people accessing your database by implementing strong identity management systems.

An effective identity management system prevents intruders from accessing your database. When an intruder comes close, the system raises an alarm for other intrusion detection systems you have in place to swing into action and block all entry points into your network.

9. Monitor Third-Party Access to Your Data

Third-party access is one of the easiest ways that your database can be compromised. In most cases, you may not be aware of what they are up to and how they interact with your data assets.

To adopt a security-first approach in your database management, you need to develop and implement a strict policy for all third-party access. If possible, limit third-party access to your sensitive data assets as much as possible.

10. Regularly Review Your Cybersecurity Policies

The security of database management boils down to the policies you have on the ground. You may not worry much about such policies if you are the only one accessing your system. But if there are others involved, you must take your cybersecurity policies seriously as they can either make or mar your database.

As times change, you need to review your cybersecurity policies to align with the current realities. The security of your database comes first. Any action that puts your data assets at risk should be checked and managed to avoid accidents.

Safeguard Your Database Against Cybercriminals

Cybercriminals don’t go around chasing shadows; they target systems with valuable assets. So, if you have anything valuable in your database, they’ll come for it.

To secure your database, you must continuously prioritize its security. Treat all your assets like treasure, and guard them in a suitable fashion. Otherwise, you might lose them to the overzealous cyberattackers working around the clock to make some cash.