Look for underwear that says “moisture-wicking” on the package. If you know you’re going to be sweating a lot that day, keep an extra pair of undies in your bag or backpack. When you feel your butt sweat coming on, head to the bathroom and change into your fresh underwear.

Stay away from materials like leather, which can make you sweat more. Go for cotton or linen during the warm summer months to stay cool.

Talcum powder is also an option, although experts warn that more studies are needed to discern whether or not it’s carcinogenic. To be safe, stick to baby powder that doesn’t contain talc.

While you may be tempted to go for an antiperspirant with fragrance in it, you most likely don’t need it. Your butt contains eccrine glands, which produce sweat that doesn’t smell. However, butt sweat can contain a slight odor if you’re dealing with other factors, like a fungal or yeast infection.

Anti-Monkey Butt Gold Bond Powder

You could even go for wipes made specifically for adults, like Dude Wipes. Just keep in mind that while most wipes say they’re flushable, they do have the potential to clog toilets and disrupt sewer systems. (When in doubt, throw them out).

Certain foods, like garlic, onions, and alcohol may make your sweat smell worse. Stay away from these foods if you’re worried about body odor.

Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about fungal or yeast infections. They can prescribe you creams or medication to get rid of any skin issues.