“What are you most proud of?” “What stressed you out the most?” “What opportunities did I miss out on?” “What did I start to do but never finish?” are all great questions for self-reflection. [3] X Research source

You might write about a frustrating experience at work, a tough conversation you had with a friend, or an upcoming event that’s stressing you out. You could also jot down something you did well, or something that made you really happy. It’s okay if your journaling seems jumbled—what matters most is that you’re transforming your thoughts into words.

Receptive, ecstatic, blessed, reassured, intrigued, resentful, and indignant are all great examples of words for your emotional vocabulary. [6] X Research source

Your goals could be “I want to be 20% more productive at work,” or “I want to give myself an extra hour of “me time” each week. ” It’s okay if you don’t reach your goals right away! Self-reflection is all about the journey and becoming more in tune with yourself.

“I’m grateful for the support system in my life” “I’m thankful to have a roof over my head” or “I’m thankful to have a supportive boss and co-workers” are some ways to practice gratitude.

There are plenty of meditation styles to try—guided style helps you focus on a relaxing place or experience, while mantra meditation involves chanting a calming word. There’s also mindfulness meditation, which helps you focus on living in the current moment. A daily walk is a great way to incorporate self-reflection into your busy schedule. [11] X Research source

Instead of thinking “I can’t believe I made that mistake at work,” think “I’m glad I have the opportunity to reflect on my mistakes so I can do better in the future. ” Instead of thinking, “I shouldn’t have said that to my sister,” think “I’m now better prepared for future conversations. ”

If you don’t have a lot of free time, try self-reflecting at least once a week. [14] X Research source

For instance, if you showed up late to work, you might set several alarms for yourself in the future. If you hurt a friend’s feelings, you could pinpoint what you said and how you said it. That way, you’ll know what not to say in the future. If you didn’t get a lot done during the workday, you could pinpoint what slowed you down.