The best way to say “no” is to look into your partner’s eyes and say it clearly and firmly. Be confident when you say it so they know you won’t be swayed. For example, if your partner starts to go a little further than you’re comfortable with, you can pull back and say “please stop” or “no. ” Or, if your significant other asks if you want to head to the bedroom, just say, “not right now. ”

For example, “I’m actually waiting until marriage to have sex. It’s important to me and to my faith. ” Or, “I’m just not ready to have sex yet. I feel like I’m still a little too young. ” Or, “I’d like to be in a committed relationship before we have sex. We don’t have to be married, but I’d love it if we were at least monogamous. ”

You could say something like, “Hey, so I’m not ready to go all the way just yet. I’m down to make out a little bit, though. ” Or, “I really like you, I’m just not comfortable with having sex just yet. Could we just cuddle and watch a movie?”

Try something like, “Hey, I’m having super bad cramps and I just don’t really feel good. Maybe we can have sex tomorrow. ” Or, “I’d really like to just chill and watch a movie tonight. It’s nothing to do with you, I just had a bad day at work. ”

Say something like, “I’m having a super good time with you tonight. I just wanted to let you know that I’m probably not going to be in the mood later because I’m on my period. ”

Say something like, “Hey, how about we have sex tomorrow? I have the day off, so I’ll have way more energy. ” Or, “Could we pick this back up in a day or two?”

You could say, “I’m not really in the mood tonight. Do you want to cuddle with me on the couch and watch a movie?” Or, “Maybe we could have sex later. I’d love to play a board game with you, though!”

“It makes me uncomfortable when you don’t respect my boundaries. ” “We’ve talked about this before and I’d really appreciate it if you’d stop asking. When I’m ready, I’ll let you know. ”

If you’re young, call a trusted adult to come and pick you up.

If you don’t feel safe breaking up with your partner, call a trusted friend or family member for help.