Start taking the medication as soon as you feel the cramps coming on, and continue taking them until your cramping has passed. Try ibuprofen brands such as Advil and Motrin. You can also try naproxen brands such as Aleve.

You can also buy heat patches from the drug store that stick onto your skin.

To make it even more relaxing, try lighting a few candles and adding some bath salts to the tub. You can give yourself a nice treat to make up for the pain and discomfort you might be feeling.

You can also ask someone else to massage your abdomen for you. However, caution them against going in too hard, and make sure you feel relief instead of more pain.

Try different kinds of aerobic exercise, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, kayaking, hiking, or a class at the gym.

If you are having trouble meditating for the first time, try looking up a guided meditation video.

You can find supplements at most health stores. Always read the dosage instructions on the back, and don’t take more than directed at one time.

Try to avoid fatty foods like donuts, cheese, fried food, and chips when you’re on your period. Stay away from refined grains like white bread, refined cereals, and pastries.

Although there have been some studies on acupuncture and menstrual cramps, science doesn’t back it up 100% yet. However, it doesn’t hurt to try.

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