Avoid using your phone or reading while you’re on the toilet. Only stay in the bathroom as long as you need to.

Avoid hovering or squatting over the toilet seat since it puts more pressure on your pelvic floor muscles.

For example, a medium apple with skin has about 3. 7 grams of fiber, ½ cup (75 g) of green beans has 2 g, a slice of whole-wheat bread has 2 g, and 1 cup (200 g) of whole-wheat spaghetti has 6. 3 g. [6] X Trustworthy Source Michigan Medicine The University of Michigan’s medical center, which provides patient care, supports research, and educates the public on health topics Go to source Increase the amount of fiber in your diet gradually since having too much causes bloating and gas. [7] X Trustworthy Source Harvard Medical School Harvard Medical School’s Educational Site for the Public Go to source If you don’t get enough fiber from your diet, you can also take fiber supplements. Just talk to your doctor before starting them since they can affect how you absorb other medications. [8] X Trustworthy Source Harvard Medical School Harvard Medical School’s Educational Site for the Public Go to source

Check the nutritional information on your food to see how much fiber it contains before eating it.

Water also prevents dehydration, which might lead to constipation as well.

Talk to your doctor to see if you’re healthy enough to start a workout program. They’ll recommend exercises for you based on your current physical condition.

For example, you could try box breathing, where you inhale for 4 counts, hold your breath for 4 counts, and exhale slowly for 4 counts. Keep repeating this until you feel calm.

You can take laxatives by mouth if they’re oral pills, but you must insert saline enemas and some suppositories into your rectum.