In this article, we’ll explore 10 of the many ways to overcome your fear as you begin your street photography adventures.

1. Use a Journaling App

Journaling may seem like an unlikely candidate for this list, but many creative people find it positively influencing their lives. In fact, there are digital journal apps to help boost your mental health. Street photographers may find it helpful to write down what makes them wary about photographing people in public. In the long run, this may prove beneficial, especially if you set goals as part of the process.

You can include other things in your journal related to street photography, like places you’d like to visit and photographers that you’d like to emulate. If you enjoy writing in general, journaling may be your ticket to help overcome your fear and improve your street photography.

2. Small Cameras Attract Less Attention

If you’ve ever lugged around a DSLR camera and shot street photography, you’re probably aware that people tend to look at you and wonder what you’re up to with that professional-looking camera. It’s no wonder that street photographers usually prefer smaller, under-the-radar cameras that attract less attention.

This immensely helps when you’re starting out and can relieve a lot of anxiety about photographing strangers. For more outgoing personalities or advanced users, using a full-frame mirrorless camera has many advantages over many smaller point-and-shoots and cameras with smaller sensors.

3. Use Icebreakers

Icebreakers are small things you can do to ease the tension when you’re out photographing people when they notice you. A simple smile can go a long way, as can a compliment. For example, comments like “nice hat” or “awesome shirt” are icebreakers that are engaging and may help break the ice with a subject you’d like to photograph.

Practicing the art of conversation with strangers will serve you well in overcoming your fear of street photography. It’s a long-term endeavor that will pay off and potentially open the doors to other opportunities in photography.

4. Use Your Camera’s LCD Screen to Take Pictures

Use your LCD screen if you have the option on your camera. Apart from being a convenient way of shooting street photography, it generally takes the pressure off of the photographer. For varying reasons, the very act of holding a camera up to one’s eye is more confrontational than simply walking around and staring into the back of your camera.

This brings up another point: avoid making eye contact with your subjects if you don’t intend to interact with them. If you’re looking into your LCD screen, it’s less likely that your subjects will think you’re photographing them, especially if you make a show of pretending to photograph other things in your subjects’ vicinity.

5. Make a Game Out of Approaching People

This is a fun exercise that even seasoned street photographers use when they’re walking around with newcomers or just for the fun of it. You can play it in several different ways, but it’s up to your imagination and your comfort level.

One variation is to have a contest to see who can collect the most no’s or rejections when you ask strangers for their picture. The first person to achieve 10, for example, wins. The exact number isn’t significant, but you should feel that you’ve had to work at it. Wear your rejections with pride. It means you’re trying to overcome your fear! It’s also another opportunity to practice your icebreaking skills.

6. Pretend You’re on Assignment for a Magazine

This is a little different than making a game out of it. Before you step outside to shoot street photography, it may help to imagine yourself as a photojournalist or a documentary photographer who’s on assignment for an editor. Why is this helpful in overcoming your fear of street photography?

It will help you focus and give you a sense of purpose for being out there. Knowing that you have to get certain shots is a constructive challenge. It will also help you realize several surprising benefits of shooting street photography.

Read More: Surprising Benefits of Shooting Street Photography

7. Utilize Candid Photography

This is not to say that candid photography is any easier than walking up to someone and asking for their picture. But shooting candid street photography when you’re starting out will certainly help you if you have any fear or anxiety in photographing strangers.

Focus on framing your subjects creatively against interesting backgrounds. Even at a distance, intentional and creative imagery will typically set you apart from the crowd. Develop your candid photography and then move on to practicing street portraiture when you’re ready.

8. Ask Your Partner for Help

Practicing street photography with a partner will significantly help when you’re starting out. It will help build your confidence, and you’ll learn other tips and tricks from another’s perspective.

Also, there are many things a partner can do to help get pictures of strangers that you don’t want to disturb. Imagine you wanted to photograph the gentleman like in the photo above because he’s got an interesting look. You could also try to pretend to be taking a picture of your partner instead. This method works well in crowded areas and tourist spots.

9. Use Silent Shutter / Turn Off Camera Sounds

Silent shutter mode is a standard feature on most mirrorless cameras. Make use of it to not draw attention to the fact that you’re taking pictures. Also, turning off camera sounds and any light indicators will transform your camera into the perfect street photography shooter.

10. Practice!

Practice makes perfect. In reality, the best teacher is going to be yourself. Apart from studying street photography and learning the ropes, getting out and doing it is undoubtedly the most important thing.

If you practice some of the methods mentioned here and learn from other avid street photographers, you’ll build up the most critical trait of any photographer: field experience.

A Few More Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Photographing Strangers

Besides everything we listed above, here are a few more pointers to help you along on your journey:

Don’t hide when you’re photographing people or go out of your way to remain unseen. You’re not doing anything wrong. Be confident and transparent about what you’re doing, always. Don’t listen to music with your headphones. This can be dangerous in a crowded place or along busy streets. Why would you want to “escape” from connecting with the world you’re photographing, anyway? Learn the laws of your state or country. Make sure that it’s legal to photograph people in public spaces. Street photography is generally acceptable in many parts of the world, but double-check this information to avoid problems.

Street Photography Is Worth Learning

Overcoming your fear of shooting street photographing is well worth your time and effort. Your skills will improve in tandem with the quality of your images. And as a bonus, you’ll discover what a truly unique and accessible genre it is.