If you’ve recently bought a Mac and want it to last as long as possible, this post is for you.

We’ll talk about all the steps you can take to give your MacBook a long life. Our list includes directions on caring for the battery, the chassis, and the software.

1. Maximize Your Purchase Budget

Over time, the software you run on your computer (from its operating system to third-party software you download) tends to get larger and take up more disk space. This means that the same apps which take, for example, 2GB of storage space today will take 2.5-3GB of space a couple of years from now.

As a result, the finite disk space in your laptop gets smaller and smaller for the same software, making it slower.

A good way to future-proof your MacBook is by maximizing your budget and getting the version with more storage space and RAM. This might be a painful decision, as additional RAM and SSD on Mac costs a lot—but it’s still less than buying a new Mac a couple of years later.

It’s more important to assess how much RAM you’ll need. This is because while you can still buy external hard drives for additional storage quickly, upgrading RAM on the new Macs is hard and expensive.

2. Use Protective Cases

Once you have your MacBook with you, start by protecting its chassis. There are three main areas here: the chassis, the screen, and the keyboard:

For the chassis, get snap-on cases and use sleeves. Instead of the regular neoprene sleeve, use rugged sleeves like this one by NACUWA to ensure maximum damage protection. To protect the screen against scratches, apply a screen protector—Supershieldz has a great screen protector. Lastly, for the keyboard, get a keyboard cover. These can help prevent scuff marks and damage to your keys.

Physical protection is the most important aspect of making a MacBook last longer. The list of things you can do to ensure your MacBook’s physical protection is a long and non-exhaustive one. Whatever you think will protect the laptop from getting physical damage, do it.

3. Handle Your MacBook With Care

Snap-on cases and rugged sleeves don’t mean your MacBook won’t get damaged. It’s still important to be careful while moving it around, as poor handling adds to its wear and tear over time.

For example, roughly opening its lid might not damage the MacBook immediately, but doing it as a habit can gradually lead to its hinges loosening up. Similarly, closing the lid too fast or forcefully can result in the same loose hinges—which isn’t a situation you want your MacBook to be in; the lid just doesn’t stay erect, and working on the laptop becomes impossible.

The takeaway is to handle the MacBook with care at all times. This includes keeping it away from places where there’s a chance of it getting damaged or wet, like leaving it next to a drink or on the edge of a tabletop.

4. Use the Battery Wisely

MacBooks have excellent batteries and can easily last more than five years if you use them properly. The trick is to keep your MacBook charged between 30 and 80%, meaning you shouldn’t let the battery drain fully or keep it plugged in at all times—contrary to popular belief.

This technique uses less battery, keeps its cycle count low, and, most importantly, keeps the battery’s charge capacity high. In general, the lower the cycle count, the healthier the battery remains.

Additionally, try to find ways to improve your MacBook’s battery life, like using Safari instead of Google Chrome and optimizing battery settings. Keeping the battery in a healthy state significantly impacts your MacBook’s longevity.

5. Replace the Battery When It Wears Out

Another equally important thing is to know when to replace the battery. Even if you keep the cycle count low, the battery will eventually wear out, losing charge capacity over time. However, this should be much slower compared to those batteries that are used often.

Look at the maximum cycle count Apple has designed for your MacBook, and keep checking cycles occasionally (say, every six to eight months). Once your MacBook reaches this count, replace the battery. This will ensure your MacBook lasts longer in terms of both battery and overall life.

6. Clean Your MacBook Regularly

Regular cleaning ensures your MacBook doesn’t accumulate dirt, which is hard to remove and can lead to damage (scratches and permanent stains) when you do remove it.

Here are some steps to follow:

Wipe your MacBook’s chassis using a microfiber cloth and isopropyl alcohol. Clean the palm rests, the lid, and the base. Similarly, but without the alcohol solution, clean the screen. Clean the keyboard gently with slightly dried alcohol wipes.

For detailed instructions on cleaning, read our MacBook cleaning guide. The cleaning process extends to the internal hardware as well. However, it can be difficult to clean the internals yourself; it’s better to take your MacBook to a technician once a year (or sooner, depending on how much dust your MacBook is typically exposed to) and have it serviced internally.

7. Service the Ports Often

The ports on your MacBook need separate care; if you care for them well, you can improve the laptop’s longevity. If they get too dusty, they often don’t function properly. To clean them, brush them lightly every once in a while—you can use a spare toothbrush for this. Just be careful you don’t damage any of the connectors inside.

On Apple Discussions, some users from humid areas complained about their MacBook ports getting rusty. Carefully unplug devices and look at the health of the cord you’re inserting into them. In worse cases, a rusty cable can permanently damage your MacBook’s ports and stop them from working permanently.

Silicone plugs from HDE are good at preventing rust, dust, and humidity problems. You can plug them into your MacBook’s ports when they are not in use, and prevent dust from seeping in. They are simple to use—remove them when you have to plug in cables, and put them back in when the laptop is idle or inside its sleeve/bag.

8. Protect the Power Adapter

Your MacBook’s power adapter is expensive and just as delicate as the laptop itself. Be sure to prevent the adapter from getting damaged. While handling with care is the obvious way to go, you can get a protective pouch, too, like the one by iKammo.

Along with the adapter, you have to be careful with the cable as well. If it gets damaged or worn out, it slows down charging, becomes dangerous, and even breaks, in worse cases. Buying new ones from Apple still costs you around $80 for these MagSafe adapters, so it’s best to use them carefully.

You can protect these cables by tubing them with Alex Tech’s tubes.

9. Avoid Third-Party Chargers

Another key to making your MacBook last a long time is to charge it with official chargers. Third-party chargers are often unsafe, and here’s why:

They lack the security hardware Apple installs in its chargers. They slow down your MacBook when they’re connected. They can pose a higher risk of catching fire or sparking, as they’re not as high quality as the original adapters that Apple sells with the MacBook.

If you damage the original charger or lose it, be sure to get the one that Apple sells officially, or try to find a used one—but again, the genuine one only.

10. Don’t Tolerate Any MacBook Problems

Last but not least, the secret recipe for a long-lasting MacBook is to not tolerate any problems that arise. If there’s any problem with your Mac, try troubleshooting and fixing it at once.

If you cannot do it yourself, get in touch with Apple Support straight away. The longer you let problems hang around on your MacBook, the bigger the chance of irreversible (or expensive to repair) damage.

Consistency Is the Key to Your MacBook’s Longevity

If you develop the right habits and take the measures we’ve listed above, you will surely get the most out of your MacBook. It simply breaks down to consistently maintaining it and keeping an eye out for serious issues.

Start from day one by setting up your MacBook right. Ensuring you have activated service and support coverage to access the warranty if things go south is one of the many things you should do right after you get your new Mac.