“What does the ocean say to the shore? Nothing, it just waves. " How do you throw a party for an astronomer? You planet. " “Why are fish so intelligent? They travel in schools. "

Send a picture of a sleeping kitten with the caption, “Me when I finally finish my homework tonight. " To keep the laughs going, send another one when they respond.

As soon as you leave your friend’s house, immediately text them something like, “OMG miss you so much already. You’re the most amazing person to ever walk this planet!” If your friend isn’t in school that day, text them, “How am I supposed to get through today without my beautiful, smart, kind, perfect best friend?!?” Just telling someone that you’re grateful for them is a great compliment in and of itself. [4] X Expert Source Kim Chronister, PsyDClinical Psychologist Expert Interview. 28 July 2021.

Refuse to text your friend anything but the turtle emoji until they totally lose it. Maybe you were cracking up in class about a cheesy yet inspirational video about a butterfly’s life cycle. Send them a caterpillar emoji, followed by a butterfly and a cloud.

If you can’t think of a TV show, see if you can remember what your friend has been binge-watching lately. Alternatively, pick a show you’ve both been watching for years.

Maybe your friend is super into astrology. Text them an astrology meme that focuses on their sign and caption it, “This reminds me of someone. . . " If your friend is always in the know when it comes to pop culture, send them a meme related to their favorite musician, actor, or celebrity. If you’re tech-savvy, you can even make your own meme in Photoshop.

Send a clip from a standup comedy routine with the caption, “I saw this and thought of you. " Share a relatable tweet by a comedian on Twitter, along with the text, “Same. " Text a link to a humorous piece written by a comedian that you like. Follow it with, “I couldn’t keep it together when I was reading this. "

Maybe you dropped a bulk container of olives at work last week and you and your friend had to clean it up. Text them something like, “Can’t stop thinking about the olive disaster. . . " If you’ve been friends for a long time, send over a music video that you both used to watch and laugh about as kids. Add the caption, “You think we’d be better at these dance moves now that we’re older?”

Let’s say your little brother wouldn’t stop throwing blueberries at your mom during breakfast. Text your friend, “Omg you’re never going to believe what Sam did at breakfast this morning. . . "

Text your friend the first line to a song you know. As they respond, keep sending lyrics to the song until they figure out what you’re doing. Next time you’re studying in a room together, airdrop a hilarious photo and wait for their reaction.