Pray about everything, from your troubles and sins to things you’re excited about. Pray that God will help you make the right decisions in your own life, and pray for other people who are hurting or who haven’t found God yet. [3] X Research source

Try volunteering your time helping people in need in your community, like working at a soup kitchen or organizing a clothing drive. You can also serve people in a less formal way, like buying a sandwich for someone who’s hungry or listening to a friend who’s having a hard time. Share the gifts God has given you as a way to serve others—whether it’s wisdom, wealth, or a talent like musical ability.

Try setting aside a little time each day to read your Bible. Even 5-10 minutes can help you understand the love of Jesus. It can help to do this at the same time every day, like as soon as you wake up, on your lunch break, or before you go to bed. If you’re not sure where to start reading, buy a devotional book or sign up for a daily newsletter from a local church. These will give you a specific Scripture to meditate on each day.

In Matthew 5:14, the Bible says, “You are the light of the world. " That means it’s your job to share the light and hope of God’s word with the people around you who are living in sin and hopelessness. [8] X Research source Try joining an outreach ministry in your church to spread the message of Jesus while helping people in need. You could also share the story of what God has done in your life with the people you meet.

In Matthew 6:13, Jesus prayed, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. " You can use this same prayer when you’re asking God to help you avoid sin. [10] X Research source In 1 Corinthians 10:13, the Bible promises that you have the strength to overcome the urge to sin: “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability. "

In Ezekiel 14:3, the Bible describes idols as “things that will make [you] fall into sin. " Idols can include harmful habits and substances, but they can also be things that are normally considered positive, like your career, friends, school, video games, or sports, if they interfere with your relationship with God. If you’re willing to lie or steal or cheat to accomplish or obtain something, it’s almost certainly an idol in your life. However, the sin might be more subtle, like getting angry or being jealous of someone else if you can’t have it. [12] X Research source God is all-powerful and all-knowing, but He’s also loving and forgiving, and He wants us to live for Him.

You can have nice things, and you can even enjoy them—they’re blessings from God, after all. Just don’t let the pursuit of them distract you from serving God. In Matthew 19:21, Jesus tells a rich man, “If you would be perfect, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. “[14] X Research source

That doesn’t mean you have to always be happy about difficult circumstances. Jesus showed us this when He wept as He mourned the death of his friend Lazarus, even though He was about to bring him back to life! In Matthew 22:39, Jesus even prayed that God would help Him avoid being crucified. And yet, He still acknowledged the perfectness of God’s plan when He said, “Not as I will, but as you will. "

When you meet together, spend time praying, reading the Bible, and listening to each other. That fellowship will help you all grow as you follow Jesus.

For instance, if you have a friend who doesn’t go to church, you can invite them to yours, but don’t pressure them too much. As long as you’re not tempted to sin when you’re with them, it’s fine to hang out how you normally would, like going to a ball game or having dinner together. Show Jesus’ love by encouraging and motivating others instead of criticizing them or putting them down.