If they approached you from the side and put one arm around your waist, this is definitely a “buddy hug. " This kind of hug can be really sweet, but it doesn’t indicate romantic feelings. [2] X Research source

You can’t judge based on smiling alone, but the bigger the smile, the happier the other person is to see you. If the smiling continues well after the hug, they definitely feel affection for you, but it could be friendly or romantic. [4] X Research source Little or no eye contact usually means there aren’t romantic feelings.

Consider how much space was between your bodies. Did they press their body against yours? If so, they might have romantic feelings for you. If they pressed their hips or pelvis against yours, they’re almost certainly into you. [7] X Research source A loose or rigid hug is a little different than a gentle hug. A warm, gentle could be a sign of tenderness or friendship. [8] X Research source

Friends usually hug to greet each other and to say goodbye, so you can’t really consider one of these hugs to be romantic.

If they touch your butt or stroke your hair, they’re probably into you!

On the other hand, putting both arms around your waist and pulling you closer can definitely indicate romantic feelings. [14] X Research source

A lot of back patting usually means they’re consoling you or feel sad for you for some reason. It generally doesn’t indicate romantic feelings. [17] X Research source

It’s a little harder to tell if they give you a full-frontal hug and press their cheek to yours. The cheek press implies that you’re close to each other, but it can be a friendly gesture if you haven’t seen your friend in a long time.