“I love talking to you. You always know how to make me laugh!” “You have the best taste out of anyone I know. Could you help me pick a birthday gift for my sister?” “I can’t believe you got the best grade in our class. You’re so smart!”

“Which do you prefer: dogs or cats?” “If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?” “What’s your favorite video game?”

“So, you said you’re Drake’s biggest fan? What’d you think of his latest single?” “You said you had a swim meet yesterday, right? How’d that go?” “Have you been rock climbing a lot this summer? It’s been so nice out!”

“OMG, the craziest thing just happened to me. I went to Starbucks and I saw Jenna Fischer ordering a latte! I was way too nervous to say hi. ” “I just adopted a new dog! His name is Rocky, he’s the cutest thing ever. ”

“Who are you closest to in your family?” “What’s a happy memory from your childhood?” “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”

“Uh oh, I’m running late today. You might as well call me Mr. Brown. ” “Saw a dog today that totally reminded me of the movie we saw. I can’t believe how terrible it was!”

“Is Santa Claus evil? Why or why not?” “Being a dog mom is a full time job. Agree or disagree?” “Can soup be a drink?”

For instance, if you’re watching a football game in person, you might send a pic of the field at half time. Or, if you’re at a water park, take a quick selfie in front of the slides.

You should also try to avoid texting her more than twice in a row. Sending double texts can seem a little desperate, and you don’t want to come on too strong.

Say something like, “I’ve had a ton of fun talking to you over text. Would you want to grab coffee this weekend?” Or, “I know you like hiking—wanna show me a trail this weekend?”