If you can see an email address, make sure it seems professional or legitimate rather than made-up. For example, they could use a fake email like joe@youarealoser. com just to troll you even more. A lot of trolls will use images they’ve found of real people as profile pictures to make their pages look more legitimate. They might even use pictures of attractive women to seem believable.

Many trolls have to create new accounts since their old profiles might be blocked or banned from the site they’re posting to.

Trolls have “negative social potency” which means they enjoy saying harmful things to other people. This is cyber-bullying.

For example, a troll might post something like, “Once when I ordered from KFC, I found a chicken foot in my meal and they paid me thousands of dollars to not tell anyone. ” Trolls may sometimes post memes or cute images to make their content seen by more people.

Trolls try to lure people into discussions just to waste their time.

For example, something like, “OMG GUYS did u see that THE PRESIDANT doesnt spport healthcare????” has multiple formatting errors and is probably a troll.

If you constantly have trolls responding to you, take a break from social media so they don’t have the opportunity to comment on your posts.

Trolls might try to make a new account to get past you blocking them. If you see a new account making the same kind of comments, block it as well.

If the website doesn’t have a report feature, look for a Contact Us page or email address so you can reach out to the site owner and let them know what’s happening to you.