For example, if you’re dating an introverted person, they’d probably prefer eating at a quiet restaurant and checking out a small music scene rather than going to a crowded, noisy concert with a lot of people.

For example, instead of asking, “Are you okay?” ask, “What’s your day been like?” or, “What’s been going on lately?”

For example, instead of asking a question and immediately calling on someone, slowly count to 3 in your head to make space for a response.

If you’re at a party and want to put an introverted person at ease, try to find someone they know for them to talk to rather than expecting them to join in a large conversation with strangers.

One way to show them that you’re listening is to mirror what they’ve said to you. For example, say something like, “It sounds like you had a really crummy day. Tell me more about it. "

If you’re working with an introverted person, try to minimize the number of interactions you have to reduce stress. For example, instead of popping in to ask them questions whenever you have them, consolidate your thoughts and send them in a single email.

For example, pull aside an introverted colleague and tell them what a great job they did on a recent project or let an introverted partner know that you appreciate them.

If you and your introverted partner have spent all day together, they may want some time on their own in the evening. This is totally okay and it can make them feel recharged.

Not sure how to approach your introverted friend or partner? You could say, “You seem really thoughtful lately. If there’s anything on your mind that you want to talk about, I’m here for you. "

Remember, nothing’s wrong with being an introvert! If you’re having trouble communicating with an introvert, focus on those skills.