Try not to stare directly at him all the time. Too much eye contact can come off as aggressive or overwhelming. [2] X Research source If you have no facial expression and you’re looking away from him while he talks, it’s going to send a subconscious message that you aren’t interested in talking to him.

When you hug him, hold it a little longer than you normally would. If it’s reciprocal and he holds the hug as well, it’s a huge sign that he’s into you. If you haven’t known him that long, test the waters first. Try getting a little close to him and then backing out of his personal space. If he has a negative reaction or he moves away from you, just take it slow. [4] X Research source A little casual touching is fine, but don’t go out of your way to grab, hold, or touch him in an aggressive way.

If you sit around just waiting for him to make the first move and talk to you, he may assume that you simply aren’t interested in him.

For example, you might say something like, “That test was really hard! I can’t believe you did so well; you’re so good at math. ” If you want to compliment his looks, you can say, “That shirt really brings out the color of your eyes. I love it!” You don’t necessarily have to tell him that you think he’s hot or the cutest person you’ve ever seen.

If you don’t have his phone number, ask for it! You can always play it off like you just want help with the homework every once in a while or something. If he ever invites you anywhere, go! The more time you get to spend together, the stronger your bond will grow. This is the best way to work your way up towards an actual relationship.

If you’re just getting to know one another, questions like, “What do you do in your spare time?” and, “What’s your favorite movie?” are great ways to get him talking. Deeper questions are a great way to build on things once you know one another. Things like, “Where do you think you’ll be a year from now?” or, “What would you do with a million dollars?” are great ways to spark a meaningful dialogue. You can ask him questions about you as well. Something like, “Do you think I look better with long or short hair?” gives him an opportunity to say something flirty.

For example, you might use phrases like “You’re such a brat!” or, “Your laugh is so funny to me, I love the way you giggle. ” Try to keep it sweet and don’t say anything authentically critical or mean. Don’t force this one. If you aren’t a naturally playful person, don’t worry about trying to tease him.

It can be hard to do this if you’re nervous around him, but try to just limit the one word answers and actively engage in whatever he’s talking about. For example, if he asks, “Have you seen this new Jason Statham movie?” responding with a flat, “No,” doesn’t really move the conversation forward. Instead, you might say, “No, have you?” or, “Yes. It was really good, and I’d love to see it again. Are you going to the movies soon?”

You could make jokes about him being your “History class husband,” or, “work boyfriend” because the two of you spend so much time together.

If you spend a bunch of money on a gift, you may actually scare him away. Keep it small and simple.