Say something like, “My brother has been coming into my room when I’m trying to study and it’s distracting. ” Or, “I don’t like it when my brother goes into my room when I’m not home. ” You could also hold a family meeting to talk to your parents and your brother at the same time.

You could try something like, “You wouldn’t like it if I went through your stuff, right? So please don’t do that to me. ” Or, “If I ask you to leave me alone, it’s because I have work to do. ”

Younger kids might have some trouble with this, but older kids should be able to do this no problem. You can ask your parents to help you enforce this. Whenever you try to set boundaries, make sure to speak with kindness. Even if he is bothering you and annoying you, remember he is doing this because he wants to follow your lead and be a part of your world! Talk with respect and lead by example.

This is a good idea if your brother is going into your room when you’re not home. Your parents might not be comfortable with you putting a lock on your door if you don’t have one already. Try to talk to them about how you want to keep your brother out and how a lock would help you do this. If you can’t put a lock on your door, try using a piece of furniture to block the doorway instead. It’s not perfect, but it works!

You two could hang out and play video games, do a board game, or read comic books together.

You could say something like, “Hey, I’m super busy right now. Could we play video games in like an hour instead?” Or, “We can hang out for 20 minutes, but then I’ve got stuff to do. ”

Don’t try to hurt or scare your brother—just creep him out a little so he doesn’t want to come in the room as much. Keep in mind, if your brother is little, he might think that you’re playing!

This is a good alternative if your parents won’t let you get a lock on your door. If your brother asks about what’s in the cabinet or drawer, you can tell him. Making it sound mysterious will probably only make him more curious.

If you treat him how you want to be treated, it’s more likely he’ll respect your boundaries.

If you’re heading toward a huge fight, try getting your parents involved. They can help you talk it out with your brother instead of fighting. Avoid name calling at all costs. If your brother calls you a name, take a moment, count to ten and take deep breaths. Try not to take it personally and realize he is acting out because he has some unmet need.