While gaining inspiration for YouTube videos is sometimes challenging, you’ve got plenty of options for doing so. This article will teach you 10 ways to develop interesting new ideas for your content.

1. Watch Other YouTubers

While you shouldn’t copy other people’s work, watching some of your favorite creators can help you think of ideas for your videos. You might learn how to edit in a new way, for example, or think about how you can take something they’ve said and package it for your niche. Filmmaking YouTubers are especially worth watching for the former.

When you watch other YouTubers, try to ensure you’re being intentional with your time. If you spend hours going down a rabbit hole you never intended to, you might find that you’ve caused more harm than good.

2. Listen to Inspirational Podcasts

Podcasting is one of the most popular ways to consume information for several reasons. You can listen to episodes in multiple situations—such as when you’re doing household chores. And if you absorb the information properly, you can learn a whole range of new things that will help you with your YouTube career.

You’ll find podcasts in several genres, and you might want to consider listening to those particular for your niche. You can also gain inspiration for your videos through any of the following:

Interviews with creators Business tips and advice Tips on how to improve your workflow

3. Set Aside Time for Brainstorming Sessions

While you can gain a lot of inspiration from consuming other people’s content, you often get your best ideas when your brain has more time to think. When you create regular videos for YouTube, setting aside time for brainstorming sessions is a wise choice.

You can choose how frequently you’d like to brainstorm video topic ideas; once per month might work for some, whereas others may need to increase that to every week.

You can use several methods when brainstorming video ideas, such as mind mapping. Try to limit distractions during your periods of focus; music is okay if it helps you get more done, but you should put your phone on airplane mode or turn it off.

4. Choose a New Angle

Once you’ve uploaded hundreds of videos to your YouTube channel, you might find that some of them become outdated after a specific period. Unfortunately, refreshing old content on the platform takes longer than a blog post. You’ll need to upload a new video rather than tweaking the original content.

If you posted something a few years ago, you might find a new angle more relevant to the present. Listen through your old content and see if you can find anything worth repurposing or exploring.

5. Read Books and Blogs

While YouTube videos mainly focus on visuals and audio, you don’t need to rely only on those two mediums for gaining inspiration. You’ll find plenty of books and blogs that will also help you generate new ideas.

You don’t need to read books about YouTube, business, or online content creation specifically; almost anything will give your brain more food for thought. Similarly, you can read blogs about creativity in your niche and general ones.

Even if you don’t find inspiration for your videos, you might figure out new ideas for running your social media channels more efficiently—or something else.

6. Take a Short Break From YouTube

Taking a break is beneficial in creative fields like photography. In this respect, YouTube is no exception. If you’ve regularly uploaded videos for an extended period, you might find yourself burnt out—or edging very close to that dreaded state.

When you take a break from YouTube, you might find it daunting at first. Many creators fear they’ll become undiscoverable when they temporarily step away from the platform, but it doesn’t have to be like that. You can still, for example, share your current uploads on social media.

During your time away from YouTube, focus your attention on other things. Exercise and new creative pursuits will work different parts of your brain and enable you to feel refreshed when you return to YouTube.

Regardless of what your YouTube channel is about, your niche probably evolves pretty fast. As a result, you need to stay on top of existing trends; if you don’t, you’ll begin to lose relatability with your audience.

You should regularly keep updated with the latest industry trends and skim through headlines at least once weekly. It’s also worth watching other creators’ videos in your niche to see what they’re saying; doing so will help you better understand what users are interested in.

8. Ask Your Subscribers for Ideas

In any form of marketing, you often have the answers right in front of you. If your users have a pain point, they’re probably already voicing their opinions—and if they aren’t, you’ll benefit greatly from asking them directly.

If you’re struggling with ideas for YouTube videos, ask your subscribers in the comments section of your latest upload. And if you’re eligible to use the Community tab, you can also use that.

9. Use an Idea Generator

While you should ask your audience what they want to see from you, getting help from other sources isn’t the worst idea in the world. If you’re still unable to think of many ideas, using an online generator is an excellent option.

You will find plenty of idea generators on the internet, including weshare and TuBeast. Search keywords related to your specialty area and see what you can find.

10. Research Keywords in Your Niche

YouTube is the second-biggest search engine on the globe after Google, so—as you might expect—keyword research is critical if you want to find new video ideas.

Like idea generators, you’ll find various keyword research tools online. TubeBuddy, for example, is an excellent browser extension that provides insights into what performs well. You can also get an overview of how well your competitors’ channels perform.

Several Ways to Find Inspiration for Your YouTube Videos

Even when you think you’ve talked about everything you possibly can on YouTube, the truth is that you’ve probably only scratched the surface. You can find plenty of unique video ideas with a little thinking outside the box.

You can find inspiration for your YouTube videos in plenty of ways; asking others for tips helps massively, and using online tools will help you gain even more of a competitive edge.