Some coupon ideas include ”Breakfast in Bed,” “Horror Movie Night”, “Hike and Watch the Sunrise”, “Dinner Made by Us at Home”, or “Massage for David. ” Make sure to include an expiration date such as “Tonight” or “This Weekend. ” After you prepare the coupon book, pick a single coupon each day or every few days, and perform it with or for your partner. Have them do the same.

Add glitter, stickers and decorations to embellish it further.

You can use Post-it notes to make it easier. Have a theme for the jar. It can be “50 reasons why I love you,” “365 notes to brighten your day” for them to pick one note every day, “100 beautiful memories with you” or “Fun date ideas. ” You can also cut out a circular note paper and stick it inside the cap of the jar to add an introductory note for your sweetheart. Wait until both of you are done, and exchange jars.

You can also use the candles you made for a romantic night later.

You can also repeat this process for multiple colors, starting with the lightest color.

Send each other romantic poems that you have either written or taken from a famous poet. Set up a secret location for letter delivery—just like in the book Little Women—such as a box sitting in the living room display or one of the drawers in the bedroom. The secretive “mailbox” will add a clandestine and intimate element. Consider adding romantic treats with your letter such as a rose or a piece of decadent chocolate.

You can also set goal destinations and pin them with a different color. Once you travel there, you’ll have accomplished your goal and you can change the pin.

Set the tone for romance throughout the house by turning on soft music and dimming the lights. Light tea candles to line the walkway as your lover arrives and sprinkle rose petals throughout the house. Keep the activity short but sweet. Don’t take them on a lengthy, wild goose chase.