For example, you could start your text, “Hey Adam, I really appreciated you getting me coffee at the cafe last night. ” As another example, you could say, “Hi Zack. You seem like a fun and sensitive guy. ”

For example, the next sentence could read, “But to be honest, I’m not interested in a romantic relationship anymore. ” As another example, you might say, “To be honest though, I’m just not feeling the spark we used to have. ”

For example, you could say, “I just don’t think we’re a good match for the long-term. ” As another example, you could try, “I haven’t felt a good connection and think it’s time to move on. ”

For example, you could say, “It doesn’t feel like we’re compatible, so this relationship just isn’t working. ” As another example, you might say, “I’ve noticed we’ve argued more and more lately, and I don’t want that in a relationship. ”

For example, instead of saying, “You go out and party with your friends too much,” you could say, “I feel left out and alone when I’m not invited out. ” As another example, you should say, “I feel like we’re having trouble talking through things,” instead of saying, “You always start arguments. ”

For example, you could say, “I’ll always appreciate how you made me more patient, and I wish you the best moving forward. ” As another example, you might say, “Thank you for all the good times we had even though things didn’t work out in the end. ”

For example, you might say, “I know that you’re feeling upset and I completely get why, but I have to be honest with my emotions. ” As another example, you could write, “I hear you and I understand what you’re saying, but I still think breaking up is the best decision for us. ”

For example, your text in full might read, “Hi Alex. You’ve been a really fun and supportive guy, but to be honest, I’m not feeling the spark we used to have. I’m noticing that we’re not talking as much anymore, and it’s probably best if we break up. I enjoyed all the good times we had even though it didn’t work out for us. I wish you the best. ”

If the guy doesn’t leave you alone after the breakup, block his number and his social media accounts so he can’t reach you.

An in-person break-up gives your partner an opportunity to get closure. If you don’t feel safe seeing him in person, at least do it over the phone or on a video call instead of over text.