Hugging, smiling, or blushing in response to a kind gesture may send the wrong message, so don’t be too reactive or thankful.

You could also say you aren’t interested in dating men.

Try to be nice if they’re a genuinely kind person. You might say, “Look, I appreciate how nice you’re being, but I don’t like you. I’m sorry. I just don’t see you that way. ” You could also say: “I think you’re a great guy, but I feel we connect better as friends than romantically. “[3] X Expert Source Jan & Jillian YuhasRelationship Coaches & Boundary Specialists Expert Interview. 19 August 2021. “I think you’re an amazing guy, but I think we want different things. Are you open to being friends?"[4] X Expert Source Jan & Jillian YuhasRelationship Coaches & Boundary Specialists Expert Interview. 19 August 2021. “You’re great and have a lot to offer, but I don’t think we are a good match based on our values. “[5] X Expert Source Jan & Jillian YuhasRelationship Coaches & Boundary Specialists Expert Interview. 19 August 2021. If they’re a little rude when they do their simping, you don’t have to be nice. You can say, “I’m not interested in you. Please get that through your head—I don’t like you. ”

This should deflate most guys enough that they’ll leave you alone. Simps want attention and if you don’t give them any, they should stop simping.

You might say, “Cut it out with the comments about my appearance. If we’re going to be friends, you can’t do that. ” If they’re being especially rude, you could say, “I have no interest in hanging out with people who can’t respect me. Leave me alone. ”

This is also a good way to set boundaries. By not rewarding certain behaviors, they should eventually stop.

“Look, being nice just to get me to like you is kind of messed up. I’m not a child who just likes someone because they get me presents. ” “Buying me things and doing favors for me isn’t going to make me attracted to you. That’s not how this works. ”

If they ever follow you somewhere or show up at your home unannounced, they may qualify as a stalker. Things like unsolicited nude photos, online hate messages, and phone bombing are serious forms of harassment.