For instance, if you want to convince your parents to let you join your school’s basketball team, look into the benefits of physical activity, the social benefits of playing on a team, and opportunities for scholarships.

For instance, if you’re trying to convince your parents to get you a skateboard, they’ll probably ask things like, “How much do they cost?” and “Aren’t they dangerous?” Prepare answers like, “The skateboard I’d like to get is $100 and I plan to wear a helmet and knee pads so I don’t get hurt. ” If you want to take a beach trip with your friends, you can expect them to ask, “How will you get there?” and “Where will you stay?” Be ready to answer with things like, “We’re staying with Jack’s parents and they’re going to drive us. ”

For example, vacuum your home, clean your kitchen in the morning, and offer to make them coffee. Don’t make it too obvious or it may not seem genuine, but do something nice for them.

For example, ask your parents about their day at work and if they have anything they want to do over the weekend. They’ll likely ask you about any plans that you have, so you can just be open and talk about what’s going on in your life. Don’t stress about having to ask them for something. Just relax and let the conversation flow.

Saying something simple like, “You know, I really appreciate everything you guys do for me,” can make a big difference before you ask for something.

For instance, if you’re trying to convince your parents to get you a car, say something like, “You don’t have to answer me now, but I do want to ask you about something. ” If you think they’ll probably say no, asking for a delayed response might work in your favor. If they have some time to think things over, they may come around to the idea!

For example, if you’re trying to convince your parents to get you a guitar and take lessons, say something like, “I really want to learn how to play guitar, but I need an instrument and I need to learn how. ”

If you want your parents to get you a laptop computer, talk about how it’ll help you with your homework and with essay research. You could also mention that it can help you stay connected to friends and may be useful if you go to college.

For instance, say that you’ll vacuum your whole home every weekend and take the trash out every night.

For example, if you’re trying to convince your parents to buy you a gaming console, talk about how the new PlayStation is over $400 USD, but you can buy older consoles for around $100. They may be more open to agreeing to buy the cheaper version.