The Root Chakra element is earth. Take a walk outside or do some gardening to cleanse this chakra. The Sacral Chakra element is water. Go to a beach or chill out on a dock at a lake to bring energy to this chakra. The Solar Plexus Chakra element is fire. Roast some marshmallows over an open flame or bathe in the sun to rejuvenate this chakra. The Heart Chakra element is air. Simply feel the breeze on your skin and through your hair to uplift this chakra. The Throat Chakra element is ether. Go cloud or star gazing to activate this chakra. The Third-Eye Chakra element is light. Spend the day out in the sun to refill this chakra. The Crown Chakra element is inner-light. Meditate outside or reflect on all nature offers to cleanse this chakra.

Root Chakra: Red Sacral Chakra: Orange Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow Heart Chakra: Green Throat Chakra: Blue Third-Eye Chakra: Indigo Crown Chakra: Purple

Root Chakra: “I am strong. ” Sacral Chakra: “I flow with creativity and radiate joy. ” Solar Plexus Chakra: “I make decisions with confidence. ” Heart Chakra: “My heart is healed from past wounds. ” Throat Chakra: “I am an active listener. ” Third-Eye Chakra: “I am exactly where I should be. ” Crown Chakra: “The universe is working with me. ”

Root chakra: Tree Pose Sacral Chakra: Goddess Pose Solar Plexus Chakra: Boat Pose Heart Chakra: Camel Pose Throat Chakra: Supported Shoulderstand Third-Eye Chakra: Easy Pose Crown Chakra: Corpse Pose

We all have bad days, and that’s okay! What’s important is that you take a deep breath and move forward.

Root Chakra: Strawberries, cherries, and beets Sacral Chakra: Oranges, mangoes, and carrots Solar Plexus Chakra: Bananas, pineapple, and oats Heart Chakra: Green apples, kiwis, and lettuce Throat Chakra: Blueberries and figs Third-Eye Chakra: Plums, purple grapes, and eggplant Crown Chakra: Peanuts, carrots, and water

Root Chakra: Ginger, clove, and rosemary Sacral Chakra: Vanilla, cinnamon, and coriander Solar Plexus Chakra: Fennel, turmeric, and mint Heart Chakra: Basil, parsley, and cilantro Throat Chakra: Sage, eucalyptus, and lemongrass Third-Eye Chakra: Juniper, lavender, and mugwort Crown Chakra: All-spice, lotus flower, and valerian root

Root Chakra: Cedarwood, cypress, vetiver Sacral Chakra: Grapefruit, jasmine, and orange Solar Plexus Chakra: Lemon, ginger, and peppermint Heart Chakra: Lavender, marjoram, and rose Throat Chakra: Frankincense, lavender, and peppermint Third-Eye Chakra: Geranium, frankincense, and sandalwood Crown Chakra: Petitgrain, vetiver, and frankincense

Root Chakra: Ruby, bloodstone, and garnet Sacral Chakra: Moonstone and carnelian Solar Plexus Chakra: Tiger’s eye, amber, and citrine Heart Chakra: Emerald, green jade, and rose quartz Throat Chakra: Aquamarine and turquoise Third-Eye Chakra: Lapis lazuli and sodalite Crown Chakra: Amethyst and ametrine Alternatively, you can opt for crystal therapy. [9] X Expert Source Emily ChristensenSpiritual Advisor & Founder of Rainbow Raaja Expert Interview. 8 July 2020. In crystal therapy a therapist uses crystals to redirect unnecessary or unhealthy energy. [10] X Expert Source Emily ChristensenSpiritual Advisor & Founder of Rainbow Raaja Expert Interview. 8 July 2020. You can attend a live or a virtual crystal therapy session. [11] X Expert Source Emily ChristensenSpiritual Advisor & Founder of Rainbow Raaja Expert Interview. 8 July 2020.

Root Chakra: 432 Hz, musical note C Sacral Chakra: 480 Hz, musical note D Solar Plexus Chakra: 528 Hz, musical note E Heart Chakra: 594 Hz, musical note F Throat Chakra: 672 Hz, musical note G Third-Eye Chakra: 720 Hz, musical note A Crown Chakra: 768 Hz, musical note B