You’ll take a maximum of 2-3 weeks off per year and usually only take time off if you’re injured.

You’ll have to pay $50-$200 per month for a gym membership depending on where you live and the quality of the gym. [4] X Research source

On every profile page, show off a 2-3 minute video highlight reel of your best fights and moments. Engage with your fans in the comment section by starting conversations and liking their posts. [6] X Research source

Offer to plug their company on social media or wear their clothing in the cage when you fight. In return, your sponsor will pay you fees per appearance (usually a couple hundred to a thousand dollars). [7] X Research source

Once you get sponsored (even by a small company), show loyalty and increase their commitment to you by pushing their content/product hard on your social media channels with multiple posts. [9] X Research source

You’ll need to be between 21-34 years old and have at least 3 professional-level fights under your belt. [11] X Research source

Look for equipment that’s well-cared for and people who seem respectful and considerate of others’ safety.

Learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to get the best base for MMA because of its emphasis on grappling. [20] X Research source Improve your wrestling and judo skills to support your takedowns and ability to use leverage over your opponent. Practice boxing and karate or kung fu to boost your striking power and ability.

Start every workout with a 5-10 minute dynamic warmup. [23] X Research source If you don’t have equipment, do circuits with burpees, pushups, mountain climbers, and planks. If you have gym equipment (free weights and cable pulleys), incorporate kettlebell swings, cleans, Arnold presses, and full squats to develop your base strength and power.

Basic Punch Drills: Practice forward and backward 1-2 (jab-cross) combos or 1-1-2 (jab-jab-cross) combos while staying on the balls of your feet with your hands up high. Be sure to turn your hips to help carry that momentum into your punches. [25] X Research source Footwork Drills: Practice combining probing and retreating steps (forward and backward steps) with 1-2 combos. Switch your stance from time-to-time to practice footwork on both sides. [26] X Research source Cardio/Speed Drills: Set 15 second intervals and alternate between rest and hitting the heavy bag as fast as you can for 15 seconds with 1-2 combos or 1-2-3 combos (jab-cross-hook). [27] X Research source

Some coaches may have a “train hard all the time” mentality while others might focus more on overall well-being of their athlete. Choose the approach that fits your goals and lifestyle. Ask “How soon can I compete?” If the coach answers, “As soon as you want,” that tells you the gym probably doesn’t have your best interests and well-being in mind. If they tell you they’ll wait until you’re ready and safe, the instructor is probably good. [29] X Research source