Try to set aside some time every day where you can write. Many industry professionals look for multiple scripts in your portfolio. If you only have 1 script, start working on another one so you have more to show off.

Story by Robert McKee The Anatomy of Story by John Truby Save the Cat by Blake Snyder

It’s okay if you don’t know every single scene you want to write. Some of your ideas will come naturally while you’re writing. There isn’t an industry standard way to format your outline. Just organize it however works best for you.

You can experiment with other story structures too. For example, you could show multiple timelines to show characters at different points in their lives.

Listen to how actual people talk so you can make your dialogue more believable. If you have trouble coming up with dialogue, write the very basic phrases you want to convey. You can always come back to it later. For example, you could just write in, “We have to get away from these zombies!” as placeholder dialogue.

Some of the top film schools in the United States include University of Southern California, UCLA, American Film Institute, New York University, and Columbia.

There are many screenwriting podcasts, such as Scriptnotes, The Writers Panel, and Draft Zero, that discuss the industry and give pointers to improve your writing.

You can access The Black List here: https://blcklst. com/. You can make an account for free, but you must pay if you want to publicly list your scripts for industry professionals to read.

The Austin Film Festival and Nicholl competitions are both notable choices you can try submitting to. Attending film festivals is another great way to network and meet people in the industry.

Some of the top agencies to write letters to include CAA, ICMP, UTA, and WME.

Living in a major city like New York or Los Angeles also increases your chances of networking with industry professionals.

For example, you could pitch a movie like, “My script is about a kid traveling back in time who gets stuck in the 50s with teenage versions of his parents, and the only way he can get back is if he makes them fall in love. ”

Sometimes, you won’t get a large portion of the money until after the movie finishes filming.

You may make less money depending on your involvement in writing. For example, if you’re only writing the story or treatment, you’ll only make between $36,000–59,500 USD. Your agent will usually take around 10% of what you earn.