Marketing and sales training is usually considered more important than medical device knowledge by employers. However, some understanding of biotechnology would make it easier for you to understand the devices you sell and talk to doctors about them. There are specialized training programs available that can give you a leg up, at least with your job search, because they offer job placement services for graduates. [2] X Research source

While you don’t necessarily need a medical degree or experience as a practicing medical professional, taking some health-related courses can also make it easier to talk to doctors and nurses because you’ll know how to “speak their language. "

Your experience doesn’t necessarily have to be paid experience. If you went the university route and had some sales or marketing internships along the way, those definitely count as experience! B2B sales jobs, such as selling office equipment, show that you have a skill set similar to what’s needed to be a successful medical device sales representative. [5] X Research source

Most of your time as a medical device sales representative will be spent talking to doctors and other healthcare professionals, so you’ll do well if you’ve spent time around doctors and are comfortable in the healthcare environment. If doctor’s offices and hospitals make you anxious, this position might not be the best fit for you! If you’re selling surgically implanted devices, you might also be called on to assist or consult in the operating room. You’ll watch the surgical procedure multiple times during training, so it’s good to have you on hand—especially if it’s the first time the surgeon has ever implanted that particular device. [7] X Research source

MedReps also has content and resources that can help you tailor your resume and prepare for interviews in the field.

Join medical sales trade associations, such as the Healthcare Sales and Marketing Network, to keep up with industry news and gain connections to other salespeople. Medcepts is another online community that caters to people in the medical and healthcare industry. [10] X Research source

Career site MedReps conducted a survey of medical device sales representatives to find the best places to work in the industry. The survey ranked Teleflex and ConMed as the top medical device companies to work for. [12] X Research source

Within the medical device sales field, those who sell biotech, health software, and surgical devices tend to earn more overall.

A lot of your work can typically be conducted over the phone and internet, but you’re still usually expected to travel to client’s offices and make in-person sales pitches. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most medical device sales reps shifted away from in-person meetings. This might remain a reality even after the threat of the pandemic is over.

More extroverted people who thrive in high-pressure situations are most likely to excel at medical device sales.