Resident Evil 4, in particular, is often praised as one of the greatest video games of all time. In addition to the fourth game’s shift to an over-the-shoulder camera and a more action-heavy tone, it also adds a small economy. Money, or the Peseta, is used to purchase new weapons, items, and upgrades. Amassing wealth can be tricky, but the ten tips below should help build up a healthy sum of money.

10 Don’t Buy The Broken Butterfly

Some weapons are found in the field, but the Broken Butterfly is just about the only one that can be bought before it is found on the map. Should you plan on using it, do not buy it from the merchant. Instead, just wait until you find it in a treasure chest. It is in a room in the castle only accessible by giving Ashley a boost. The room in question is found on the way to the maze.

9 Plan Out Your Arsenal Ahead Of Time

Know which weapons you want to use for the duration of the game. Otherwise, you waste money upgrading weapons you will eventually throw away for better ones. Just about every gun has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, so which ones you want to use is up to personal preference. Generally, you will not be underpowered in the first half of the game if you hold off on upgrading weapons you do not need.

8 Buy The Treasure Maps

The merchant sells treasure maps for each of the three main areas. They are not too expensive and they end up more than paying for themselves after collecting all the treasures. You can try to get them all on your own by simply being observant, but why take the risk on missing some when the game gives an opportunity to locate them all? With treasure maps in hand, you can focus your energy elsewhere.

7 Combine Treasures Before Selling Them

Upon collecting a unique treasure, examine it. If the description mentions holes or markings where something can fit, it means you can combine it with other smaller treasures to create a more valuable collectible. The extra money is more than worth the wait. Sometimes you have to wait a long time to find the last pieces to combine. Generally, if you reach the next main area, it means you missed a treasure and can then sell it.

6 Don’t Buy Stocks And Scopes

While stocks may improve the performance of a weapon, it is ultimately unnecessary. You should be able to pull off headshots easily without them.

Scopes are similarly unnecessary since the normal zoom on rifles is more than enough. Eventually you find an inferred scope near the end of the game, which is vital for killing the Regenerador and Iron Maiden enemies. This one is found, though, so you do not need to buy it.

5 Break Every Box

This is perhaps the most obvious of them all. Boxes and crates littered throughout the environment break open with the simple slash of a knife. They generally hold ammunition or money. Whatever is inside, it is usually worth the small effort. Be careful, however. Sometimes a snake is hiding inside and it will bite you. One wonders who is putting money and ammo inside these boxes. Is it the merchant or are the Ganados just extremely irresponsible?

4 Always Collect Weapons Found On The Field

Even if it is a weapon you do not plan on using or it is a second playthrough and you already have it, always pick up the guns found on the battlefield. If you have no use for it, you can always sell it to the merchant. The only challenge is making space for the weapon in the attache case, and sometimes it is not worth clearing out the space.

3 Sell Excess Ammunition

While not a straightforward horror game like the prior entries, resource management is still a key element of the journey. Sometimes you have too many bullets for a particular weapon, so do not be afraid to sell it off for some extra cash.

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The Mine Thrower weapon in particular has valuable ammo. This is more advisable at the beginning of the game on a second playthrough, when the enemies are insignificant and weak.

2 Sell Completed Herbs

On a second playthrough you either already have maximum health or you will fill it up shortly. If you are a skilled player and find yourself overstocked with herbs, do not be afraid to sell off a completed Green, Yellow, and Red Herb mix. Just be careful not to sell off too many and leave yourself vulnerable, with little health, and on the edge of death. Still, a little danger might be worth the extra cash.

1 Kill All Big Enemies

It can be tempting to run away from the more menacing enemies like Regeneradors. While most of the time the game forces you to go toe to toe with them, you are allowed to flee at some moments. We advise against this, however, since these enemies often drop money. Maybe it is only 5,000 or 10,000 Pts, but it all adds up over the course of a playthrough. Once you have a sound strategy for defeating these tougher foes, they become a cakewalk.

Next: 10 Awesome Things That Happened Between Resident Evil 4 And 5