Blurt out unnecessary details or facts just to show that you know them Try to correct, argue with, or outsmart your teacher

Making terrible puns. For example, you might share this joke-pun combo during a relevant science lesson: “A photon checks into a hotel. The front desk asks if it has any luggage. It replies, ‘No, I’m traveling light. ‘” Sharing the worst dad jokes the internet has to offer. For example, “Want to hear a joke about construction? Sorry, I’m still working on it!” Laughing at your own jokes

Bonus points if the food is extra smelly. Scarfing down a tuna sandwich during class won’t win you any friends, but it will definitely irritate everyone.

Don’t look up from your test or make eye contact with anyone so you pass it off as absentmindedness.

Throw in a few snores and maybe a little drool for good measure.

You might say, “Professor Hart, can you explain that algebraic equation one more time? I’m just not getting it. ” Or you can say something like, “Mr. Rhodes, would you mind repeating that definition word for word? I couldn’t write it down fast enough. Can you speak more slowly?”

For example, interrupt your teacher to say, “You mentioned on the first day that you play guitar. That’s so cool. Do you ever bring your guitar to class?” Raise your hand in the middle of a lesson and say, “I just want to tell you that you’re my favorite teacher ever. " This might be flattering the first time, but after a few days of this your teacher will probably start completely ignoring you out of sheer annoyance.

At the very least, your teacher will stop the lesson to call you out, which disrupts class and annoys everyone. Keep in mind, though, that if your school has strict rules about cell phones, you might get in trouble!