If you’re still really tempted to check your phone, leave it in your vehicle or ask a friend to hold it for you. You might feel a little uncomfortable at first since we’re so used to looking at our phones, but try your hardest and it will eventually feel easier.

Move around the room frequently so you can interact with the most people. Try to hold your head up, keep your shoulders back, and smile. Walking around with open, friendly posture not only makes you look approachable, but helps you feel friendlier and more approachable, too. [3] X Expert Source Kim Chronister, PsyDClinical Psychologist Expert Interview. 28 July 2021. If you’re feeling nervous, try visualizing yourself smiling and approaching someone before you actually do it. [4] X Expert Source Kim Chronister, PsyDClinical Psychologist Expert Interview. 28 July 2021.

Try listening to some fast-paced pump-up music before putting yourself in social situations to help boost your energy levels. People have different social energies, so make sure you adapt to them. For example, if someone doesn’t seem as energetic, stay positive but act a little more relaxed around them.

If you have a hard time speaking up, try talking with a loud voice whenever you have the chance, like when you’re home by yourself or driving. That way, it’ll be easier to make your voice heard when you’re with a group of people.

For example, if someone asks you how your weekend was, avoid saying things like, “It was good,” or “Fine. ” Instead, say something such as, “It was great! I finished watching Game of Thrones and I really loved it. Have you seen it?” If the person isn’t interested in the things you bring up, go back to having small talk before bringing up something else they might relate to.

When they finish talking, ask them some open-ended questions to clarify their points and learn more about what they’re saying. For example, you could ask, “How did that make you feel?”

Avoid saying yes to things that are illegal or could put you in danger.

Look for places or experiences where people have similar interests as you. For example, try finding a book club if you love reading or attending a yoga class if you’re into fitness.

Talking to 1 new person every day Engaging in conversation when someone talks to you Going out to lunch with a new person once a week