With the growing popularity of sandbox titles (see: Grand Theft Auto V) and the industry-leading genre of shooters, among others, all giving players more freedom and choice when it comes to exploration, vehicles are becoming what they should be - a method of transportation players can opt to use or not.

Want to fly from point A to point D in Battlefield 4? Step into a fighter jet or call a friend for helicopter pickup. Trying to meetup for a heist in GTA V? Steal any car you see. These two titles include real-life vehicles, but most of our favorites include science fiction designs from some of the coolest and most memorable video games of all-time, imaginary creations we wish we could drive in reality.

Tron, Mass Effect, Halo and Star Fox - these are just some of the game installments and franchises featuring epic vehicles we want to drive. Check out this cool feature on 10 video game vehicles we want to drive and let us know what games feature the coolest and most interesting vehicles in your mind!

Source: Green-Label