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The Aerondight is the best silver sword that Geralt can use. In the Witcher 1, it was given to Geralt by the Lady of the Lake and it returns in Witcher 3, but more specifically in the second expansion, Blood and Wine. Even though the Aerondight is exceptionally magical, are there any other blades that can beat it? Here is a list of the swords that can.

10 Energy Sword - Halo

This sword is of alien make. It’s from an alien species from the Halo universe called the Sangheili. This is the primary weapon that Sangheili warriors use in hand to hand, close-quarters combat. The Elites that wield this energy sword are known for their honor and their combat skills, so only those of certain rank in the Sangheili can use them.

This blade glows when ignited, and the distinctive hum of it adds to the weapon’s well-known reputation on the battlefield, evoking the sense of intimidation and fear that an elite warrior is coming for your life. This energy blade can cut through spartan armor like butter.

9 Ultima Weapon - Kingdom Hearts 3

This weapon is an homage to the Final Fantasy franchise, as the best weapons in a select few of those games are called Ultima Weapon. In Kingdom Hearts, the blade isn’t what is important, it’s the keychain, as the keychain makes the blade. The Keyblade is the central part of the battle between Light and Darkness.

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The Keyblade isn’t made great by its sharpness or the damage it can inflict, but by the magical properties it possesses. It has the power to unlock hearts, locks, and can even seal off pathways between worlds.

8 Dein Nomos - Tales of Vesperia

Dein Nomos was once passed down through the Empire’s Royal lineage, as it is used when the next emperor ascends to the throne. However, due to events prior to Tales of Vesperia, Dein Nomos was stolen, and it ended up in the hands of an important character called the Duke.

Aer is a substance in Terca Lumireis, the world of Vesperia, that fuels Blastia, and this Blastia allows people to cast magic and use specific abilities. However, if the Aer becomes too dense, it can have extremely harmful effects on people. The Dein Nomos can control this Aer and make is disperse.

7 Lion Heart - Final Fantasy 8 Remastered

The Lion Heart is Squall Leonhart’s most powerful Gunblade in Final Fantasy 8 Remastered. This weapon is so powerful not only because of its damage output. It also grants the use of Squall’s best finishing move, Lion Heart.

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This move has a 25% chance to be used after Renzokuken, Squall’s Limit Break, and the Lion Heart strikes the enemies 17 times for a massive chunk of damage. This weapon can be acquired on Disc 1 and can completely break the game. As a bonus, this weapon can never miss.

6 Soul Edge- Soul Calibur

Have you ever heard of a sword acquiring a soul? Well, Soul Edge has. It was once a regular sword, but after shedding an immense amount of blood and drawing the hatred from its wielders, the sword turned into a demonic weapon and gained a soul named Inferno.

Whoever wields this blade is unable to escape its curse. Like a parasite, the soul of the weapon invades the host’s mind and drives them insane. Only those with tremendous will-power and mental discipline can keep their mind after grasping this weapon.

As well as shapeshifting the sword to match its current user, this weapon can also give the user enormous power in return for their health. If the wielder dies, then Inferno devours their soul.

5 Blade of Olympus - God of War 3

This blade was created by the King of the Gods, Zeus, during the ten-year Great War between Olympians and Titans. Both sides were getting tired towards the end of this war. However, upon seeing Atlas, one of the strongest Titans, fall in battle, Zeus left the battlefield and forged this mighty weapon, the Blade of Olympus.

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And with this majestic sword Zeus returned to the battleground, thrust it into the ground, and banished the Titans to Tartarus. A vortex engulfed the land, and only the Olympians remained, exhausted and battered, but victorious.

4 Granasaber - Grandia 2

The Granasaber was said to have been used in the battle of Good and Evil by the god Granas, in which he used this weapon to strike down the evil god Valmar, and by doing so, split him into several pieces.

This Granasaber is what the main character Ryudo is after in the game, but little did he realize that the sword was the size of a mountain. The Granasaber was also a fully armed spaceship that would take him to Valmar’s moon to rescue Ryudo’s love interest. Ryudo, after passing the Granasaber’s test, did finally acquire a human-sized version of the sword.

3 Master Sword - Legend of Zelda

The Master Sword is not powerful due to the sheer damage it can inflict, but by the immense magical abilities it wields. The ‘Blade of Evil’s Bane’ is another name the sword goes by, as it is a sword of purity than cannot be touched by evil.

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It’s a device that the chosen hero can use to travel through time and dimensions, a magic seal. This sword has many iterations through the Legend of Zelda timeline, and each one has a unique purpose.

2 Rebellion - Devil May Cry

The Rebellion is a magic sword, and it was created alongside two other magical swords, Sparda (Force Edge) and Yamato, when the Dark Knight Sparda split himself into three.

This sword was given to Dante by his father as a keepsake, and due to Dante being half-human and half-demon, he can awaken the true power of this blade. However, when the Rebellion comes into contact with Dante’s blood, a new power is awakened that unites both his human and demon halves into an extremely powerful form.

1 Monado - Xenoblade Chronicles

The world of Xenoblade Chronicles is actually on top of two gods, the Bionis and the Mechonis. These two gods were fighting for eternity when they both impaled each other, and after that, life began to flourish on top of these gods.

The Monado is a mythical blade and was said to be used by Bionis. It’s a blade made out of powerful energy that absorbs and manipulates the ether, the life source of the world. However, to use the Monado to its full extent, the wielder must have immense willpower.

The blade gives the wielder access to 8 different special abilities or arts. One of these is foresight, to look into the wielder’s future and be able to change the fate of the world. To avoid spoilers, this blade gets incredibly powerful in the end game, and could potentially be the most powerful blade in all of video game history.

NEXT: Bloodborne: 10 Most Powerful Weapons, Ranked | Game Rant