However, a few apples are still hanging from the tree. Because of the series’ wealth of characters and storylines, some plots and characters never really found resolve, as the following ten entries show. Perhaps a future game will bring back some of these long-forgotten characters and let fans know what they have been up to since they leaving Raccoon City.

10 Nicholai’s Fate

The original Resident Evil 3 has several endings, some of which involve Nicholai dying. In other endings, he escapes unscathed. The remake leaves his fate up in the air. After shooting him, Jill and Carlos abandon the mercenary on a helipad as they fly away in a helicopter.

Moments later, the missile comes and obliterates the zombie-infested city. It is unlikely he survived, but it is impossible to know for sure since the camera does not show him blowing up along with the city. Perhaps a helicopter came and rescued him in nick of time or he found some other quick getaway.

9 Seeker Murphy

Seeker Murphy is the U.B.C.S. member Jill finds injured in a garage. Just a few seconds later Nicholai kills him. A file nearby details his life up to that point, but it doesn’t paint the whole picture. Did Nicholai have a specific reason for killing him other than infection?

Maybe Murphy discovered something about Nicholai? At the end of the day, however, maybe how he went out was better than turning into a zombie.

8 What Does Jill Do Between Resident Evil 3 And Resident Evil Revelations

With these remakes, it is hard to tell which games are canon and which ones are not. Are the missions in Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles a solidified part of the lore?

If so, we already know what Jill does between Resident Evil 3 Revelations, as she and Chris start the BSAA. If the on-rails shooter is not cannon, then the games have some extra story space to fill, since a large gap of time exists between Raccoon City’s destruction and the events of Resident Evil Revelations. 

7 Who Is In The Post-Credits Sequence?

After the credits roll, a short scene plays showing someone picking up the broken vaccine. It looks like the inside of an apartment one would find in a city, and a punching bag hangs in the background. The person’s face is never shown, and they walk by so quickly, it is hard to even guess who it is.

Some theorize this is Chris Redfield, and could potentially lead into Code Veronica. Others think it is simply the game saying that, despite Raccoon City’s destruction, the battle against Umbrella is far from finished.

6 What Does Carlos Do Afterwards?

One of the biggest mysteries left hanging in Resident Evil 3 is Carlos. The U.B.C.S. officer never shows up again after escaping the city with Jill. Does he help Chris and Jill take down his former employer, or does he call it quits and try to live a normal life?

Umbrella probably doesn’t like the idea of him being around after all he has seen, so he may have a target on his back. Is he still alive by the time Resident Evil 7 comes around?

5 The Other S.T.A.R.S. Members

The original Resident Evil 3 features a cameo by Barry Burton, depending on which ending one receives.

He is completely absent from the remake, however, and so are the epilogues detailing what all the characters do after Raccoon City’s destruction. Do Barry and the other former S.T.A.R.S. members leave before the outbreak, or did they have to adventures of their own during the game’s events?

4 Nicholai’s Employer

The human antagonist, Nicholai, is driven by the dollar and his own self-preservation. All of his actions are in service of a mysterious employer who goes unnamed throughout the game’s duration. While fans can make some educated guesses as to who hired him, it is never set in stone.

3 Kendo’s Fate

A short DLC episode from Resident Evil 2 details a non-canon scenario of what Kendo does after his appearance in that game.

The keyword here is “non-canon.” Does Kendo actually escape the city after enduring the tragedy of his daughter’s infection, or does he stay in Raccoon City as it goes up in smoke? Regardless of what happens, it probably is not happy.

2 Tyrell

Tyrell dies at the hands of Nemesis after helping Jill and Carlos, so fans already know his ultimate fate. However, he spends a significant portion of the game off camera, making his way towards either Jill or Carlos.

What happens to him during this time? Does he meet other survivors or is it simply a mad dash towards his objective as he mows down and runs from undead hordes.

1 Why Does Jill Not Get Infected When Bitten

Jill gets infected in the story and is cured by Carlos. This entry is referring to all the times the player is bitten and she manages to miraculously stave off infection. One could argue that what happens in gameplay isn’t necessarily canon, but then why not make it a different animation?

Whatever the case, most gamers are happy it is not an instant game over after one bite, otherwise the game would be nearly impossible.

Next: 10 Tips For Beating Resident Evil 3 On The Highest Difficulty