Given the seven-year gap between the two games, it is highly unlikely fans will get a third entry any time this decade. Save for any potential DLC, players will have to ponder the following questions for many years to come — maybe even forever.

10 The Fireflies

Abby and Lev spend the last section of the game trying to locate the regrouped Fireflies who previously disbanded after the first game’s events. The two eventually discover them through a radio transmission and try to make their way to the group before the Rattlers enslave them. But are these Fireflies as violent and merciless as the prior incarnation? Would they similarly kill a teenage girl if it meant creating a vaccine for the virus and saving the world?

9 The Rattlers

This ruthless group only comes into play during the PlayStation 4 exclusive’s closing hours. They enslave Abby and Lev, and Ellie inadvertently rescues all the prisoners in her search for vengeance.

How did this group start? They wear police gear, so one can come to a couple of conclusions. Either they started as a group of police officers, or a band of civilians raided the police station after the outbreak to defend themselves. One of the two Rattlers who find Ellie hanging upside down kind of looks like Dog the Bounty Hunter, so maybe they did have a past in law enforcement.

8 Does Tommy Survive Santa Barbara?

Tommy’s final appearance in the game sees him angry at Ellie for initially refusing to hunt down Abby. Ultimately, he decides to head to Santa Barbara on his own. Players never find out if he makes it all the way to California. Given his limp and one eye, it is hard to imagine him successfully dealing with a group as fearsome as the Rattlers.

7 Dina And The Baby

Dina is devastated by Ellie’s decision to hunt down Abby in Santa Barbara instead of staying with her and the baby. She tries to reason with Ellie, mentioning her desire for vengeance while understanding that the family is more important, to no avail. When Ellie returns from California to an empty house, one can assume she went back to Jackson. Would Dina accept Ellie if she traveled to the settlement, or is the betrayal too tough for her to forgive?

6 Isaac

Isaac, despite how often characters speak of him, only has a few scenes in the final release. It is a shame too, because Jeffrey Wright is a supremely talented thespian.

So, why does Isaac enjoy torturing people so much, and what is his end goal with the WLF? They don’t seem intent on restoring the United States like the Fireflies. Are they just as brutal as the other groups hidden behind the guise of “liberation?”

5 Where Will Ellie Go?

The 2020 game ends with Ellie leaving her house after trying to play the guitar with her remaining fingers. Where will the character head next?

Will she go to New Jackson and try to reconnect with Dina and the baby, or will she live nomadically, spending each day surviving and scrounging supplies?  Whatever she does next, it will probably involve lots of killing and tough decisions.

4 The Seraphites

Players only get a small glimpse into the Seraphites and their ways. Near the end, fans finally see their home, but ultimately never learn about the prophet who started the cult. Certain accounts point to them not being as violent under the original leader’s direction, but it is impossible to tell. Flashbacks to the commencement of the cult would have been appreciated, but that would have extended the runtime even further.

3 The Elders

The modern incarnation of the Seraphites are run by a group known as the elders. A document in Haven reveals their names, but the player never sees or directly interacts with them. Lev was forcibly chosen as a bride for an elder before shaving his head and running away. Other than these few tidbits, almost nothing is known about the enigmatic leaders of the Seraphites. Perhaps some future content will shine a light on this cult’s mysterious higher ups.

2 Sarah’s Mom

During the highest points of their relationship, Joel opens up to Ellie about his past. One door he always keeps closed, however, is Sarah’s mother. Since he dies within the first few hours of the sequel, it is unlikely fans will ever learn anything more about his biological daughter’s mother, and it is ultimately unimportant to the overall narrative. However, some players love to learn every detail about each character, and zero information about this mysterious woman will bug them to no end.

1 Ellie’s Mother

Similar to Sarah’s mom, it is highly doubtful Ellie’s mother will ever enter the spotlight. Marlene knew her, but she died by Joel’s hand at the end of the first game. Ellie desperately wanted to learn more about her, though by The Last of Us Part II, she seems resigned to never knowing about her mom’s life. But the saga is not over, and maybe Ellie could run into someone who knew Anna in a future Last of Us story.

Next: 10 Pro Tips For The Last Of Us 2 You Need To Know